(S2) Ten

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I wake up the next morning on Fives chest. He's already awake and looks down at me with a smile.

This feels almost weird. I haven't seen him in a year. But it also feels familiar and safe.

"Good morning, beautiful." He says to me.

I smile. "Good morning."

I try and get up but Five pulls me down on top of him. His smile grows wider as he pulls his lips to mine. We have work to do but I kiss back, not really caring at the moment.

I pull away and he finally lets me up.

"C'mon," I say throwing his blazer at him. "we have things to do."

I get into my closet and pull out the backpack that I had when I first got to 1962. I haven't really used anything in it except a little bit of money and maybe one pair of pants.

I tried to save some of the clothes. Good thing I did, I can't pull off this 1960s style.

"I saved some of my clothes." I say as I notice his confused face.

He nods and gets up. I walk out of my room to the bathroom when Five blinks in front of me.

"Why not just change in your room?" He asks. "I've seen it all before."

"Because, I said so. And we all know, what I say goes." I say before I walk past him.

I walk into the bathroom and change.

(I'm tired of putting pics y'all just choose ur own 😭)

I brush my teeth then walk back to my room and see Five already ready. I brush my hair quickly and open my bedroom door.

I walk out and put on my converse.

I walk over to the coffee pot and grab a mug with my telekinesis. I grab the cup and pour the coffee into it. I hand it to Five and I do the same for me.

I drink some of the coffee as Five walks over to Elliott.

"Elliott," He says. "did you develop these photos yourself?"

"Of course I did." Elliott replies. "Can't exactly drop that stuff off at the local Fotomat. Government has eyes everywhere."

"I didn't see a dark room."

"We converted a hallway closet." I say, walking beside him.

Five turns to me. "I found this in my blazer pocket this morning." He pulls out a yellow box that says "Frankel Footage."

"Frankel Footage?" I ask.


He turns back to Elliott. "Can you develop this."

"Hmm," Elliott says as he grabs it. "huh. Frankel Footage. Friends of yours?"

"Cousins on our robot mother's side." He says. "Can you do it or not?"

"Sure I can."

"How long?"

"Well, I mean, I'm running low on acetic acid. Beeker's Cameras is open today, but it's two miles away. I mean, I'd have to take the bus. On the other hand, Gibson's is only ten blocks away, but I gotta cut through the park, and there's pigeons-"

"Elliott!" I say.

"It's like, maybe five or six hours."

We hear a beeping noise from behind us and turn around. It was one of the radios.

"Attention all units, we have a code 3-15 at the Holbrook Sanitarium." A guy says.

"The hell is a code 3-15?" Five asks.

"Fugitives on the run." Me and Elliott both say.

"Twenty five patients at large, many are armed and considered dangerous."

"Oh, Diego." Five says.

"Diego?" Elliott asks.

"Imagine Batman," Five says. "then aim..lower."

I smile at him.

"Dad," I say as I walk away from the radio. "get started on the films, we'll be back as soon as possible."

I went out the door with Five following behind me.


A/n: OMG I UPDATED 😱😱😱😱😱

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