(S2) Three

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*Two days before Five appears*

I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen to get coffee.

"Morning." Elliott said.

"Morning, Dad." I said, my voice raspy.

"Anything about my siblings?" I ask.

"No. Sorry."

I sighed and walked back to my room. I had to work night shift, so I don't have to get ready yet.

*Time skip*

"Thank God you gotta wash the dishes tonight." I told Marley as we walk inside.

"I hate doing them."

"Me too." I say.

"Anyway, what's new?" He asks.

"Nothing," I say as I grab a glass. "absolutely nothing."

I pour the alcohol into the glass and hand it to the woman on the other side of the bar.

I walk back over to Marley and watch as he makes a drink.

"I think he's lying to me." I say.


"Elliot. I think there is something going on." I say.

He give the drink to the guy and turns back to me.

"Come on now, its Elliot we're talking about here. Would he really lie to you? You're like his daughter."

"I know. But if he thought it would protect me, then he definitely would."

"Well yeah," Marley replies as he grabs a bottle of beer. "but he just wants whats best for you."

"But Five is what's best for me. My family is the best thing for me."

"Maybe. But he doesn't know that. Talk to him about it. Now, get to work." He says as he hands me a glass.


*Time skip*

I was walking down the street. In order to get home I had to turn in an alley.

When I turned there were three men down there.

I sighed.

They all turned and looked at me.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" One of the men asked.

"Yeah." The other one said.

They started to circle me and I sighed again.

"Ok, I'm tired so I'm gonna do this the quick way."

I threw one against the wall with my telekinesis and the other two ran towards me. I created a force field and they fell backwards.

I picked up the other guy with my telekinesis and threw him up in the air.

I walked over to the last guy on the ground and press my foot on his neck, snapping it.

As I'm walking away I hear a loud thud. The other guy must've fell.

I just kept walking to my house.

I wonder how I've never gotten caught.

I guess I'm just too good.


A/n: I'm soooo tired, that's why this one is short. But I apologize.  

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