(S2) Four

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*The day Five appeared*

I walked in while rubbing my eyes. It was 5 A.M. I hate working night shift.

I look up and see Elliot messing with some newspapers.

"Why are you up so early?" I ask before yawning.

"Reading." He simply stated.

"Did you sleep at all?"

He pauses before answering, "No."

I sighed and took my jacket off. I sat it down and walked over to make coffee.

"How was work?" He asked.

"Boring. Marley was doing most of the work."

Once I finished making coffee I handed him a cup of it.

"If you're gonna stay up, drink coffee at least." I say.

I smiled at him and walked to my room. I shut my door and took my shoes off.

I just went to bed. I was way too tired to even change my clothes.

Fives pov

I landed through the vortex on the ground. I stood up and looked around.

"Y/n?" I say.

She was nowhere. It was just me.


I walk into the street and there are buildings on fire, bullets flying and army tanks. More soldiers get shot down and another building explodes. The soldiers seemed to be Russian.

I see a newspaper lying in a pile of bricks and run over to it. I pick it up and read the headline.

"Soviets attack U.S? No, this can't be right." I say.

I ran into the middle of the street and soldiers keep shooting at each other. Airplanes fly above me and drop bombs on buildings.

"Hey kid! Get down!" I hear someone yell.

"What the hell did we do now?" I say.

A missile shoots out from the tank beside me and makes me fall down. It goes towards a building and exploded mid air. It shatters and falls to the ground.

When the smoke clears I see someone floating. It was Vanya.

I see another familiar person. It was Klaus. He walked with his hands out and  few seconds later ghost figures appeared and killed some soldiers.

A bazooka hits Luther in the back as he jumps in front of Klaus. He screams in pain and Klaus looks at Luther. He nods telling him he's ok.

Then a blue tentacle swings down next to me and picks up a soldier. I look up on the roof and saw Ben.


I turn around and see Allison walking towards some soldiers with her hands out.

"I heard a rumor, I blew your minds." She says.

The men's heads explode and their bodies fall to the ground.

Diego is standing on a car. There are soldiers surrounding him. They all point their guns at them and pull the trigger. Bullets fly at him but he jumps and turns them towards the soldiers.

I hear a loud sound from the other side and I saw Y/n. She was throwing a large rock at the soldiers with her telekinesis. 

She looked different. Her hair was cut and I could tell she had a tattoo on her arm. I couldn't make out what it was though.

Three more guys came at her with guns and she just stood there.

They shot their guns at her but the bullets stopped mid air.

"Bullets are so boring. You should try knives. But the fun thing you can do with bullets, is this." She says smiling.

She moves her hand and the bullets go into their heads and they fall to the ground.

"Problem solved." She says as she looks down at them.

"Five! You sick son of a bitch! Where have you been?" Diego yells at me.

Y/n turns around and a smile forms on her face. She runs over to me and hugs me.

"I could kill you if I didn't miss you so much." She says.

She pulls away and kisses me. Once she pulls away she hits my head.


I hear a zap next to me.

"If you wanna live come with me." I hear someone say.

Y/n and I look over and we see Hazel but he looks older.

"Hazel?" Y/n asks.

"Ok, what the hell is going on here?" I ask them both.

"There's no time to explain," He says as he points to the nukes in the sky. "those are nukes, old timer."

I look at Y/n and she has a worried expression on her face.

"What about my wife and family?" I ask.

"Can't save 'em if you're dead."

I look back at Y/n and she gives me a small nod.

"Go," She says. "find me and I will explain everything."

She kisses me quickly and runs away.

Hazel opens the briefcase and we land on the sidewalk.


A/n: This is just a bit silly.

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