Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

Awakened from the truck driver honking his horn, while he was sleeping at the truck stop with a live

body in the trunk. Jared woke up and went into the truck station for a coffee and a Loosie cigarette.

Upon his arrival back to his car he seen another woman 5'2 with long red hair cut off Daisy Dukes a

bluish beige shirt and a book bag which look like she was running from something most likely Jared

thought. Hello, little lady as she approached Jared and his vehicle hello I was wondering if I could get a

ride from you really don't have a destination I was just trying to get away from here. It's quiet and I want

more excitement I just notice I've been rambling this whole time and never even told you my name

which is Lauren Baker. Lauren of course you can ride but I was only going as far is about four towns

west, but it's going got a bus station and airplanes to get from a to B. Sounds great, Lauren and Jared

hopped in the car and just started the ignition if you can drop it off. Or I began talking about why she

was trying to run away from this small town she was stuck him, however he unexpected wander into a

spiderweb unknowingly.

           Jared mine began racing 1000 scenes per minute thinking about how he has two  captives in his car

one who is going willingly and one who is bound and gagged and was pretty much driven across town to

town. Jared gazed at Lauren and for even for a second let his mind focus on what she was talking about.

Lauren was describing a kind of cuisine that some chefs are famous for cooking, she was going on and on

about running away and becoming a big chef in the city so everyone can taste her food. For that second

Jared felt something he hasn't felt since his wife and children were alive. Jared begin getting frustrated

and lite up a cigarette he had taken from The mail carriers bag. Do you know what, let's turn the radio

on and or talk about something else. Lauren again began talking about culinary school and having

enough to support her so far forever. Jarret was trying to focus on the task at hand, he already knew he

wasn't stopping and he already knew he was grabbing her and was planning on turning her into one of

her own creations or dishes. Lauren unexpectedly sat there riding going through town to town. Finally

jared is in aarondale where he had told her he would drop her off. Lauren said so you're dropping me off

at the bus station. Jared replied I decided that I would take you to my house give you a meal a hot

shower and a place to sleep till morning or you are allowed to catch a bus and pursue your cooking

career. Lauren didn't know what to say, she looked at Jared and couldn't believe someone was being so

nice and of course accepted.

               Jared pulled over at another rest up, this time in Aarondale where Lauren wanted to catch a bus.

Jared told Lauren why don't you go in and get us a table so we can order. While I was walking away into

the rest stop/restaurant, Jared popped The truck to check the other unwilling participant entangled with

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