Chapter seven

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  Chapter seven

   "What do we have" Wilson replied speaking to agent Royce, so far we have compiled all the cases

that you asked for that was weird as yours. So far we only found one unidentified woman and we have a

possible of three women All missing and have been missing for a month to have never been seen again.

"Damn" So let's start with the unidentified woman and work our way along and hopefully someone will

throw us a bone. Royce let's take your ride, and upon arrival to the coroner the timing seemed eerie and

both Wilson Royce could feel the chill in the air. Wilson walk up to the old looking guy in a white jacket

and begin asking about a body that was reported and un identified. As well she walked up to Micheal as

his bed said as been got closer, so this is the body that we were called about. Looks like she was

officiated and her ear was removed post modem. I don't think this is one of our victims, what makes you

so sure Royce stated almost immediately you see how there is no scrapes or abrasions that look like her

ear was cut off but forced off by an accident, and she probably choked on her own spit as she was trying

to escape from something or somewhere. However, this isn't one of our victims Royce we appreciate it

Micheal sorry to waste your time. No time wasted if you don't mind me asking that is a nice T 10 facial

graphs and it's still fresh. Do you mind if I ask how you acquired that scar, cause I couldn't help but

stare. It's alright Michael, the fucker we are chasing actually did this to my face and I am going to hunt

him down till the ends of the earth if needs be, Thanks again for your time we'll be on our way. Ben 

called a taxi and it should be pulling up any minute, I have a itch I'm about to go scratch,  shit I'll just

meet up with you at the office tomorrow and will comb through all of what we have on this Jared


    "Beep" "Beep" hurry up mister meter is running, take me to Pandora's box. "Oh" I see it's time to

go get you some fun time "huh", am I paying you to speak or to drive. Ninth and main that'll be twenty

six eighty seven, keep the change ben yelled as he sniffed the air and stated "ahh nothing like naked

women and booze to cheer up the rest of your night. Sonya S-O-N-Y-A "Damn" women I'm calling you,

"oh" hi officer Wilson did you want the usual booth and usual refreshments. Yes, please, wait here while

I set up, Sonya walked beyond the curtains to let the boss know about her usual customer and to get the

special authorization to go into the room they meet privately every time. As Sonya walked back out now

in a red see through lingerie, changing from her black shorts and white tassel top exposing cleavage.

Wilson sat at the bar finishing his white Russian and his favorite malt beer, are you ready for our session

Sonya said, ben replied "born ready"  Wilson reply as he extended the two hundred and fifty dollars he

placed in her breast and slap her on her ass as he finished his white Russian and began walking in the

back behind the curtain to the back room. With which Sonya had arranged to have a couple bottles of

champagne on ice. As well as the queen size mattress which was made and covered with chocolates on

the pillow and condoms on the side table as well as a unlimited amount of alcohol from the mini bar.

        Wilson began pouring him a shot of jack Daniels, then as he turned to the right Sonya had her

ass in the air in the doggy style position, she had pouty lips and cleavage hanging out as if saying that

she was ready for ben to take her. Wilson began undressing Sonya panties first and began kissing her

inter thighs and working his way up to her pussy lips lingering on the G- spot and making his way up to

here breast until Sonya couldn't take anymore and made him put on the condom and began having

crazy sex all over the two hundred and fifty dollar room Wilson was used to paying every other week.

Afterwards Wilson returned back to the mini bar in the back private room, Sonya asked him to stay the

night at her house for round two and three and Wilson had no objections. Only thing at home waiting

for him is a hungry guy meal and a six pack of moors lite beer.

           "Ring" "Ring" "Ring" "Huh" it's agent Royce, you know I'm FBI, "yea" well I have your location

tracked and I have your position being seven one six Duper street and I'm out front waiting for you. I

don't find your stalker behavior attractive but rather creepy if I'm being honest. You're the one missing

half your face playing peek a boo, or hide the sausage rather than thanking me for having something of

a lead which is why I'm being some what of a stalker. Wilson popped up out of Sonya bed, like a rocket

leaving the pad. He kissed Sonya on the forehead as she laid their still resting from a wonderful night.

Ben began running towards the door, running half naked out the house and in agent Royce's car. So you

said you had a lead. It's kind of a lead and a half but call it what you will. So don't leave me in suspense

Officer Wilson shouted, so we spotted his car same plate number leaving a bar and grill head headed

south on route four and then seen again seven miles up the road from the bar and Grill and then was

lost or fell off the map. We tracked satellites in that area and couldn't see anything headed that way

except for an abandoned house that hasn't been lived in for years. "Yes" Royce nothing like a fresh

Boner to start the hunt, thanks Royce I needed that. First things first a hot coffee, five sugars and five

creams, I need Something caffeinated would you like something a  Boston cream donut cream no

pudding Royce exclaimed. Wilson pulled out the drive-through of the donut and coffee shop and began

driving towards the bar and Grill Jared's car was seen leaving from." Shriek"a car pulled out in front of

Royce and Wilson as they was pulling into the bar and grill, "HONK" can't you see there was another car

coming in the driveway before you pulled out, Wilson replied with major. Wilson decided to stay in the

car while agent Royce went in and had a conversation with someone about jared. Wilson put his boots

on the mirror and lit up his half of cigarette he had stored away in his pack for later. As cigarette was

coming towards the filter Royce emerged and climbed back into the passenger seat and began

explaining that Jared was identified and spotted here eating he  had the long island ice tea and hot

wings and sat for a couple drinks and wings and they  even confirmed he drove off in the direction we

seen on the satellite. It's just weird that he was last seen heading that way and then vanished into thin

air. My gut is telling me we have to go drive by that house that was abandoned seven miles up the road.

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