Chapter three

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Chapter three

While The pot of water was boiling Jared  began throwing his handmade noodles into the pot as

well as oil and some salt along with many other seasonings. Jared smile finally the good part, Jared 

began by taking the numbing agent and stabbing it in ben's  neck and the face. And as the numbing

agent was kicking in, Jared felt he had to mention that he was after Ben Wilson's son Matt Wilson

before he even knew Ben Wilson was the father, what a coincidence. Just as Jared was finishing his

statement he stabbed the surgical knife in Ben's cheek and started cutting skin off Ben's face and began

frying it in a pan to brown it so it is able to be put into Jared homemade traditional meat sauce Jared

had pulled all the skin of Ben's face on the right hand side, and as Jared  was cooking it ben  began

struggling even harder trying to loosen the ropes and straps holding him back from breaking loose and

taking Jared  in the custody for crimes and mental capacity. Jared turn to Ben as he was struggling,"

what do you think you are doing". Ben rolled his eyes and began talking bad about Jared and about

things from their past when they were younger, Jared  began getting frustrated he stopped boiling

noodles and turned to Ben and punched him in the face so hard that he knocked Ben Wilson and the

wooden chair  to the floor. As Ben was falling backwards he extended his legs to try to kick over the big

kitchen knife Jared used to make perfect slices of garlic bread for his spaghetti made from Ben Wilson's

face. Ben fell to the floor and by luck he was able to kick the knife off the corner of the table, and just as

he hit the floor he began to fill his face due to  the numbing agent beginning  to wear off. But due to it

running off it have gave Ben Wilson a boost of adrenaline, which made ben  more frantic to try to

escape. Jared was more focused on preparing his spaghetti dish, that he didn't notice Ben has kicked a

large knife On the ground, and was already trying to escape his clutches. While Jared was worried about

his dish ben began to make his move, he was able to slip the knife  under the ropes around the arms of

the chair  which he still sits, he slits a small gash in his wrist while cutting the ropes on one arm as he

was working his way to his other arm he noticed Jared turning towards him to see what was taking

place. As Jared stared to the side where Ben was, he noticed that ben still had looked like he was still

knocked out from being punched in the face on the side where Jared had began peeling like a banana, 

Jared went back to plating making sure the system is still configured and is  still recording Jared's

masters piece. While  plating portions for himself and his guest Jared notice Ben was cutting himself

loose and starting to get all the way a loose and just as jared was reaching Ben's handgun and Shoot

ben, ben ran through the house with the knife trying to avoid being shot by his own service pistol.

        This has caught Jared off guard and was now even more frustrated. Jared then gathered his

thoughts and turn off the WebCam and computer and then begin stalking Ben throughout the whole

house. "Ben"come out, come out,  wherever you are, it's just a matter of time before this ends with you

being shot with your own gun. "Slam" as jared rushed into the master bedroom, "boom" as Jared kicked

In The bathroom door. I know you are somewhere in here,  "ben" and you're going to pay for your

transgressions and for your willingness to do nothing for thy neighbor. Jared began walking towards the

front door where the coat closet was, Jared got the notion that Ben would be hiding in the closet. So as

he began to get closer and closer his footsteps got softer softer till you couldn't even hear the squeaks in

the floor. Ben was in the closet nervous cause he could no longer hear Jared talking or walking and

making things even worse his face was pulsating And the adrenaline was causing his heart to pump fast

as well as his hands were beginning to sweat as he  grasped to the long kitchen knife.

          Jared  was just about to grasp the handle of the door, when Ben burst out the closet door rushing

at Jared  with the long kitchen knife. Jared  was too slow to react and got stabbed in the shoulder where

the knife stuck inside of his shoulder muscle where Jared  dropped the gun on the floor in front of both

of them, and they began rolling around on the ground one on top of the other while each was trying to

gain the advantage over the other. While Jared was on top of Ben he pulled out the knife out of his

shoulder and then tried to stab been in the side of the face that he had already been doing work on. Just

as Jared was swinging to hit him, ben had wedged his foot into Jared stomach and kicked him backwards

towards the wall directly across from them. Ben stood up and went to swing at Jared, he ducked and

tried to reach for the gun Jared had dropped, while reaching for the gun Ben Wilson dove and speared

Jared tackling him through the door. As the both laid on the front lawn winded and laying on their backs.

Jared who was bleeding badly  hopped up and started to run towards his car and drive off, because he

could feel he was losing too much blood. As Jared was running to his car detective Ben Wilson ran back

into Jared's house and grab the gun that was on the floor and ran back out the front door. Ben began

shooting at Jared's black four-door car trying to shoot out the tires and stop him cold in his tracks, But of

course Jared got away.

         As ben Wilson stands in place at Jared's house waiting for back up after calling it in, he couldn't

believe that half of his face was taking and it was cooked into a dish which has never happened before.

However, when  back up arrived they went and checked the computer and WebCam that was left but it

was wiped clean and all information was stored on a USB as it stated on the screen. Ben was so pissed

that half of his face is gone, as well as there was no evidence of Jared's foul play other than his face is

missing. While smoking a cigarette the EMT started wrapping up his face and making it so that he

doesn't lose any more blood until they bring him to the hospital to do a skin graft, so when there at least

something is in place of the skin so tissue just hanging out. As the cops was coming the house for clues

ben told them to make sure everything is tagged and bagged and everything is directed towards his desk

until we catch this weird psycho bastard, who likes making dishes out of people body parts and then

enjoys eating it which is weird and sick as well.

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