Chapter 15 {picture of Michaela}

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hope you enjoy! :D

unedited so i hope it's ok.

-XxreadabookxX and RolyatEnaj_


   I stare out of the car window, the rain hitting it like bullets. I sigh loudly. I don’t want to go to school but mum kept saying ‘It’ll be good for you!’ and ‘You’ll be fine!’. But I don’t know. I feel like Adam’s still here somehow. I guess she’s right, though, I should get back into the school routine.

   “Here we are, sweetheart.” I flinch when she says ‘sweetheart’ memories come flooding back.

   “Bryony, honey? Are you alright?” she asks slowly, grabbing my chin and turning my face to look at her.

   “Sorry. I’m fine. It was just a moment…” my voice trails off and I quickly jump out of the car before she can ask me any more questions. “Bye.” I call as I walk, fast through the school gates. I don’t want to go into detail with my mum. It’s all in the past and I have to move on…if I can.

   I decided to wear a hooded jacket to school today so I can try to hide from the crowd. I pull the hood up as soon as I’m through the gates. But it clearly doesn’t make a difference I can feel everyone’’ eyes on me.  They’re all judging me in their heads and in whispers. I feel like my feet have become one thousand times heavier, making every step almost impossible.

   “Hey, Bryony!” I cock my head up. I don’t recognise him. He looks older than me. “Were the stories true?”

   “What do you think?” I snap, then turn and walk away. I don’t mean to be harsh, but I just can’t bear reliving the tale.

   I don’t get why people think that this is a scam. I’ve been hurt in ways they can never understand and my body has been ripped like paper.

   I ignore all of the heartless glances and keep my head down until I get to homeroom.

   I rush to the back of the classroom and take my usual seat.

   “Ah, Bryony. It’s good to have you back! Are you…OK?” Mr Clement asks, making his way into class, carrying cumbersome books.

   I nod, slightly, not wanting to talk.

   “That’s good. Oh, and please remove your hood, you know my rule.” I look up at him through my eyelashes. I really don’t want to take of my hood. He stares at me expectantly as I slowly move my hands up to my head and slide down the hood. I hear silent gasps and I quickly turn my head to the floor.

   This is going to be a long day.


   I make it to recess without much trouble but when I find an empty area between two buildings; people start approaching me with questions they want to be answered.

   “Did you like him torturing you?” one girl asked and I stared at her in utter disbelief. Most of the questions were the same, ‘How did you escape?’ and ‘Are the stories real?’. I answered them all, most of them anyway but patience took its’ toll and I got to frustrated to answer anyone else.

   After what felt like days, school was over. I am so happy to be going home. I fling my bag over my shoulder with a loud hiss. I had forgotten about the pain for a little while.

   I wait in the toilets for a few minutes for the big crowds of people to leave so that when I go home I can be alone. When I know the coast is clear I exit the bathroom and head towards the gates.

   I’m just a few steps away when I hear, “Bryony!”

   I spin around but before I get time to fully turn and see the owner of the voice I take a blow to the face and am knocked down. The punch stings and as I lay there on my stomach I peer over my shoulder and see Michaela, one of the girls who claims to run the school. Behind her stand her followers, Chris, Stephanie and Mia. That’s not right. I think she had more followers. But who cares, she just punched me!

   “What the hell?!” I scream at her, getting to my feet. I clutch my face in pain and rub it gently. It’s surprising how strong she is.

   She shoots daggers at me, while shaking the hand I presume she punched me with in pain, “You know what you did, b****! I can’t believe that you went to his house! I mean I know you liked him but talk about desperate!”

   What? This is about Adam! “Are you kidding me? He invited me; we had an assignment to do-”

   “Shut up! I know that you loved him, that you wanted to steal my boyfriend!” she accuses, stepping towards me.

   “It wasn’t like that! I fell into his trap! I was the victim!” I protest but this clearly goes in through one ear and out the other. Michaela turns to Chris and nods her head before taking a couple steps back. Chris starts walking to me, looking down at me superiorly. I turn and start running as fast as I can but I get tackled down.

   “Aw, look she doesn’t want to play!” Stephanie teases, and they all begin laughing.

   “Get off me!” I shout, mastering all of my strength to break out of his grip.

   He pulls me back and sits on my stomach while pinning my arms to the floor. Michaela struts, with her high-heel shoes, towards me and kneels beside me, “Shoes you right for getting my boyfriend arrested!” she kicks me in the temple and my head lolls to the side. I blink a couple of times to regain vision and Chris gets off me. My head is ringing and my body has gone limp. Another blow gets me in the head and the last thing I see is Michaela and her friends leaving.

   Doesn’t anyone get it? I’m the victim! They are able to see past my cuts and injuries and still blame me. I just don’t understand…

   I taste blood and I curl into a ball, my head against my knees, and I close my eyes as I start to cry.




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