Chapter 7

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This chapter is a little gruesome but it's ok.

i hope you enjoy :)

-XxreadabookxX and RolyatEnaj_


   I can feel his breath on my face. It’s warm and heavy. He is looking down at me like I’m an ant and he’s a boot.

   “I swear, you are the most disobedient victim I’ve ever had!” he shouts, his face only inches from mine. “If you were in pain before than this will be AGONY!” his mouth curls into a smile and off of a table he grabs a long, sharp nail. I flinch as he pierces it through my arm, again and again. Tears cover my face. My body is writhing around in searing pain. He seems to enjoy my movement. Then he holds the nail close to his face and begins observing it. I’m screaming. The pain is unending. It feels like I’m in hell. I dig my fingers into my palms trying to avert my attention.

   “Did that hurt?” Adam asks, his satisfied expression makes me so angry.

   “I swear that I will kill you Adam!” I force out between breaths. This makes him laugh. I begin moving even more. I just want to go home!

   He drops the nail onto a table and wipes his hand over the sharp objects then stops on a jack saw.

   “No, no, no, no.” I say. My eyes are filled with tears and I’m shaking with fear. “No. Please, no! Adam!” I scream as he approaches me. I can see in his face a bit of fear and sadness but he covers it with his smile. I’m in so much pain, what more can he do? I’m going to be killed! Sweat covers my brow and tears cover my cheeks. “Please.” I whisper as he lifts the jack saw over my fingers. With one hand he holds down my hand and with the other he begins sawing my finger. “NO!” I scream and he stops. I’m so shocked. My whole body is covered in blood from where he has hurt me since I’ve been here.

   He puts the jack saw down and just stands there, looking at nothing. What is he doing?

   “That’s all for now. I’ll give you half an hour before we start again.” He begins unstrapping me.

   “Why?” I stupidly dare to ask.

   He looks at me with fury in his eyes, “If you don’t want the half an hour I can easily start from where we stopped.” I shake my head, making my whole body ache.

   He pulls me off the table onto my feet but my knees buckle under the pressure and the pain. I fall onto the ground with a loud thud and my body is too weak to move.

   “Seeing as you can’t move, I may as well leave you on the floor until I come back.” He laughs then leaves.

   I can’t do anything. I’m stuck and I feel embarrassed because I am so incapable. The worst thing about being here, surprisingly, isn’t the beatings it’s that no one except for my mother cares about me. And even then they didn’t try hard enough to actually see if I was here.

   I’m on the floor for about ten minutes, crying, before my body has enough strength to crawl. It may be a slow and painful crawl but it’s better than nothing. I finally make my way to the menacing stairway and swear under my breath. In agony I manage to put my arm, covered with holes on the first stair. I scream in pain and I realise that I have left a trail of blood from where I have crawled. I don’t care. I have limited time. I put my other arm on the first step and shut my eyes tightly. I can’t stop. I need to get out of here! I move my arm and slowly get my leg onto the step to. Another piercing scream. My stomach is in searing pain. My whole body is in anguish.

   Eventually I reach the last step and I thank God to see that he left it unlocked. He truly did not believe that I could make it up the stairs. I crawl to the front door but I’m just out of reach of the handle. I use the wall as my aid to stand up. Still using the wall, I silently open the door and stumble outside. The sunlight hits me like a slap and I take a few steps back. Being in the darkness of basement for weeks does something to you. Once my eyes adjust I start walking away. I look back at the house and I laugh weakly. I’m free!

   That’s when I hear it!

   “BRYONY!” he roars.

   I try to walk faster but my body just can’t handle it and I fall over. I try to crawl again but I can hear his footsteps coming towards me. Oh no. He kneels in front of me and smiles.

   “Oh, Bryony. Silly old Bryony. You do know that the less you listen the more I get to hurt you so the only one that is actually in pain here is you.” He then stands up and grabs my hair.

   “Let go!” I yell at him but he ignores me and starts dragging me. I claw at his hands but he doesn’t release his grip. I see someone in the distance. “Help!” I shout to them tears forming in my eyes. They don’t do anything.

   All is lost. My chances of escape are slim and I’m in complete and utter pain.

   When we are back in Adam’s house he releases my hair at the top of the stairs pushes me down them. I try to curl up to prevent too much damage but the damage has already been done.

   “You’re so stupid, Bryony. I tell you time and time again to listen to me and yet, you don’t. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” He says, casually walking down the stairs. “Get on the table.”

   I don’t want to get on the table but I’m really not interested in finding out what will happen if I disobey him again. I struggle to get to my feet and stumble over to the table. The cold metal sends shivers down my spine. He straps me in as usual but instead of going towards the sharp weapons table he walks over to a completely different table and walks back with a mirror.

   “Why do you need a mirror?” I ask.

   “Oh, it’s not for me. It’s for you.” He snarls and holds the mirror on an angle so I can see my reflection. But it’s not my reflection…is it?

   Looking back at me I see a sad excuse for a girl. A girl with a swollen, bruised face with a slice on one of the cheeks. I see a terrified face and fear in her eyes. She is much unlike me. I can’t control it, tears slid down my face.

   “What have you done to me?” I ask, trying to sound brave but my voice is weak.

   “That’s all that I wanted to show you.” He says and unstraps me.

   He locks me in the cage and leaves me some food scraps.

   “Goodnight, Bryony.” Adam says then locks the door.

   I sit there, curled in the corner, counting my injuries.

   I’m never going to make it out of here.



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