Chapter 13

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-XxreadabookxX and RolyatEnaj_


   I can't bear to look into his eyes. I look everywhere else in the room, desperate to not look at him. But after his words come out I glance up at him and he's got me locked into his stare. In this one look, one simple look, he's making me feel all kinds of pain. Physical, emotional. I shut my eyes tight and turn my head away before re-opening them.

   "I will kill you."

   I can feel the reporters' eyes and cameras leering at us. Waiting in silence, not wanting to miss anything.

   I stare at my feet, unsure what to do, unsure what to say. Through the gaps in my hair I can see Adam leaning on the bars like this is the most comfortable place in the world.

   "Come on, Bryony! Say something!" one of the reporters intervenes. I peer over my shoulder at his beaming face.

   I'm standing a couple of metres away from him for safety but I don't want the reporters to hear much of our conversation so I take a step towards Adam. I shudder at the sight of him. I hate his power over me! I hate his control!

   "Seriously, Bry, don't be shy!" confusion fills me as I hear Adam say this. Is he enjoying this? I mean, he does know that I hate the spotlight. He must be loving this. I glance up at him and see his signature evil smile, that I saw every day when I was trapped with him. I swear that thing must be riveted to his face.

   I take a deep breath and decide to heed Adams' advice.

   "Alright then, Adam." I say his voice with a tone of harshness. "In our last discussion, you said that you; quote, unquote 'noticed me'. What, exactly, did you mean by that?" I don't know where this has come from, I think that just being around Adam gives me a rush of anger, pain and fear and I guess when I mix them together I get an uncontrollable boost of confidence and hatred for Adam.

   It seems like I've grabbed everyone's attention with my question, including Adam. He seems a bit lost and he stares at me with loathing.

   "By that I meant that you were so alone in your own little world and so afraid of everything that you had cut off your circulation from the real world and I had noticed you. I had noticed your idiocy." I hear the camera men and reporters laugh at this comment. I then remember that they're there and my if my confidence was an office worker on a building he just jumped off the top floor. Splat. There goes my confidence.

   "Um, ok, um. I-I have another question..." I stutter my voice trailing off. I see Adam smirk. "Er, um. W-what is your medical p-p-problem?" even my insides are shaking. I feel like an idiot.

   "That's confidential. If you want that information I'm going to need something in return!" he remarks. This rouses up the crew again. I hate his confidence. He's used to public events unlike me.

   I take a big breath, and shut my eyes. Just be confident! I tell myself. I take another breath and say, "Why are you such a jerk?" everyone stops laughing and listen intently. I sigh with relief; I can't believe I did it!!! Then the thought hits me, I can't believe I did it! I'm such an idiot! He's going to kill me!

   "At least I didn't beg you for anything! 'Please, Adam! Don't hurt me! Ouchies!" he imitates me. And for the record, I've never said 'Ouchies'.  By his saying this I can tell that everyone agrees with my opinion about Adam. The fact that he can just joke about torturing me is terrifying.

   "Well, why didn't you kill me then? Why did you stop?!" my stutter has completely disappeared and has been replaced with anger and exclamations.

   "Why didn't I kill you?" he repeats. "Did you want me to kill you?!"

   "I'm just saying that you clearly weren't brave enough to do it!" our argument is childish, but this seems to be the only way to get anything out of Adam.

   "The tension seems to be building up in here." I hear one of the reporters say but ignore it.

   "I was brave enough to! I just couldn't!"

   "Why couldn't you, huh? Were you too scared?"

   He shakes his head.

   "Were you too frightened?"

   He shakes his head again.

   "THEN WHY?"

   He looks at me directly in the eyes and yells, "BECAUSE I LIKED YOU!!" and with that the room is filled with silence.

   Adam Brown, the hottest guy ever, the best footballer in the school and my torturer had a crush...on me?! I can't believe it.

   "But-" I take a step closer, feeling a sort of sympathy towards him, I feel like apologising, "I'm-I'm sorry."

   "Sorry?!" he shouts, spitting with anger. "That's all I get? A SORRY?!" he makes a grab for me, I lurch back but he's too quick. He pulls me towards him, against the bars of his cell. My whole body goes cold, fear running through every vein.

   "Get out of here before I do kill you." He mutters then pushes me to the floor. I hit the ground hard and crawl back quickly. The cameras getting every angle.

   A security runs over and nudges Adam back with his bat. "Hey! No contact!" he warns.

   With hair covering my face, and pain ringing my body I watch Adam. He looks at me with pure hate. But for some reason he has changed in my eyes. I see him, not as a killer but as an innocent boy just wanting someone to like him back. But I changed him. With my stupid ignorance. I drove him off the edge. It's my fault.

   "Honey!" I hear my mum call, instantly beside me, in an embrace. Even though I'm hugging her I can't seem to take my eyes off of Adam.

   What have I done?


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