Chapter Five: The Art of Bathing

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Varian froze slightly at the outburst of emotion, hesitating before giving him a gentle rub on the back.

Hugo pulled back in embarrassment, wiping his face. "Sorry."

"Why do you apologize?" He lifted an almost timid hand and wiped one side of Hugo's face of tears. "I had not realized how in desperate need you were. You... you took me in anyway, without knowing you would be paid in return and knowing it would put a burden on your finances. Why?"

Hugo considered him, very aware that Varian's hand was still on his face. "Well, I suppose it's because I..."


He hesitated. "I used to be very selfish, and there's someone from my past that I took for granted. After he left me, I realized I needed to change." He exhaled quickly. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. I just want to be like that person, and make others feel special and taken care of, since I failed to do that with him back then."


He glanced away. "The man I dated in the past."


"It means courting."

"Oh." He retracted the hand. "He still means this much to you?"

"Yeah. I never deserved someone that kind and doting though. It's better that we're not together."

"I..." The prince looked down for a moment, several thoughts clearly crossing his mind. "I realize I have been treating you as more a servant than anything else since you took me in, and I apologize for that. If you will accept me, I would like for us to simply be friends."

His eyes widened. That was a significant offer coming from a prince normally surrounded by servants and those seen lesser than him. "You really mean that?"

"Of course." There was a soft reluctance in his smile. "It is as you said. Were it not for you, I would not survive in this era or even my own for that matter, and for the record, you are quite selfless, Hugo." Blue eyes flicked away in embarrassment. 

"I appreciate you saying that."

"I have never really had any friends to tell you the truth."

"No? What about your concubines and male companions?"

"They provide physical comfort and sometimes a listening ear, yes, but we are not on equal ground, nor can I enjoy their company outside of my bed chamber. The male ones especially, since no one is to know of them."

"I'm surprised you can keep them all a secret. You're quite flirtatious you know."

"I am aware of this fact, yes."

He snorted. "What about your siblings? You don't get along with them?"

He shook his head. "They are all married off and our relationship is hardly anything save for formal."

There was a pause. "Well, I'm honored to be your first official friend, and as such, I should let you know you need a bath."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Excuse me?"

"While we were hugging, I... may have noticed you need one."

"What?" Horror crossed his face as he brought his armpit up to his nose. "I bathed only two months ago."

"Yeah, that's not ideal."

"Well, this will not do. Show me to your bathtub at once."

"I only have a shower, but yes."


Varian watched with concern in his eyes as Hugo showed him how to turn the knob on the shower and the bottles he'd need to bathe with.

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