Chapter 14

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 Once he thought it was safe, Glenn ran to my side and dragged me out of sight. I let out an agonizing scream. Hershel was by my side as Glenn pulled away from me. He did the only thing he could and placed pressure on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. I grabbed Hershel's hand as he stood up, but the look in his eyes told me he'd be right back. He rushed back to me with a towel and ordered me to keep pressure on the wound. They left me alone, I'm here bleeding out on the floor, and they left me alone. I could barely keep my eyes open. The next thing I could remember was lying in Glenn's lap inside the car.

"We're almost home, Li. You're going to be okay," he cooed. I tried to speak, but it all hurts. Everything hurts. He shushed me, and that's when I noticed his hands. They were covered in blood. My blood. I've been shot. Someone shot me. That's when I finally passed out. It was dark. All it was was dark. I can't move, not an inch. I really can't handle this. Isolation. I hate being by myself. This isn't good. All I hear is this highly irritating ring. It was high-pitched and reminded me of nails on a chalkboard. That can't be good.

"Hear that? You got lucky." 

I think that was Glenn's voice. I don't know how much more of this I can take. The pain is overwhelming. All consuming. Maybe this is it for me. Perhaps it's my time. The next thing I remember is being back at the farm, inside the house, lying in a real bed. I looked around, and Glenn was in a chair next to the bed, Lincoln was in bed next to me, and Tuck was at the foot of the bed, staring at me expectantly.

"Oh, thank god," Glenn gasped once he noticed I was awake. "Oh, thank god."

He kissed my forehead and clasped his hand in mine. That's when I felt Lincoln stir. When those little brown eyes looked at me, I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I almost died. I almost left him entirely alone in this world. Once he realized I was awake, he sat up and looked almost scared to touch me. I lifted my right arm, and he gently laid on top of me. I pulled him impossibly close, lacing my hand in his hair as he began to cry. I couldn't say anything. There was nothing to say. I almost died, and we both knew it. All I could do was hold him close. He tucked his head into the crook of my neck, and I looked over at my brother, who hadn't let go of my hand.

"Good save," I joked, making him smile a little.

  "It wasn't just me," Glenn laughed weakly.

  "He needs you, Liam. Thank you for not dying," Glenn sighed. I think he was referring to Lincoln.

  "I know he does. He's my son," I grunted.

   "I thought I lost you," he sighed, all jokes fading away as he brushed a few hairs from my face.

  "You can't get rid of me that easily," I joked, pulling him into a hug.

That's what people who love you do. They wrap their arms around you and love you even in your toughest times. I was so thankful for them at this moment. But they weren't the only ones here for me anymore. When I looked at the doorway, I saw Maggie standing there with a relieved expression. I managed a weak smile before she turned away and left us be. Everyone except for Shane stopped to check in on me, even Daryl. And I got to know Hershel much better. He single-handedly saved my life, and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay him. We've officially moved into the house for the time being.

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