Chapter 10

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I sprung from my position, kneeling beside the younger girl, carefully avoiding the glass shards from the bowl she dropped. I pressed my fingers to the side of her neck. There was a pulse; it was consistent too. I turned to look at Maggie, who was hovering over me, "she's gonna be okay."

"Can you get her up? We can put her in her room," Maggie asked steadily. I nodded and scooped the young girl into my arms before following Maggie down the hallway. I gently set the girl down on her bed, waiting in the doorway to see if they need anything else.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" Maggie cooed as she brushed a few strands of hair from her sister's face before looking at me. "What's wrong with her?"

"She's probably in shock," I stated. "I remember when my mom died, my dad and Glenn had to make to get up, eat, shower even. She'll be okay. She needs time. Where's your dad?"

"We don't know where he went," Glenn sighed from the other side of the room. "He disappeared after everything went down."

Maggie kissed Beth's forehead before leaving the room, Glenn and I following behind her. Lincoln stood in the hallway, concern and fear covering his tiny features. I extended my hand to him, and he clung to it as we followed Glenn and Maggie to what I could only assume was Hershel's room.

"These were your stepmother's things?" Rick asked. Lori must have gone and found him after Beth collapsed.

"He was so sure she'd recover," Maggie nodded, "they'd just pick up right where they left off."

"Looks like he found an old friend," Shane spoke pointedly, tossing an old flask over to Rick.

"That belonged to my grandfather," Maggie asserted. "Gave it to Dad when he died."

"I didn't take your dad for a drinker," I spoke.

"He isn't," Maggie confirmed, "he gave it up on the day I was born. He didn't even allow liquor in the house."

"What's the bar in town?" Rick asked.

"Hatlin's. He practically lived there in his drinking days."

"Bettin' that's where I'll find him," he sighed.

"I've seen the place," Glenn confirmed, "I'll take you."

"All right, I'll go get the truck."

"No," Maggie and I said at the same time. We both exchanged a look and then turned our attention back to Glenn.

"It's an easy run," he chuckled, looking between us.

"Like the pharmacy?" Maggie pushed.

"Hey, Maggie?" Rick spoke gently, resting his hand on her shoulder, "I'll bring him back."

Rick left the room with Lori and Shane right on his tail. Once they were gone, I looked down at Lincoln and then at my brother, "if you're going, so am I."

"What? Absolutely not," Glenn argued.

"So it's okay for you to go but not me? I'm not arguing, Glenn. Either we both go, or neither of us goes."

"What about Lincoln?" Glenn asked, looking down at the little boy.

I sighed deeply before getting to his level, "I gotta go help Glenn Linc. We'll go into town, get Hershel, and bring him home."

"Can I come with you?"

I looked between Maggie and Lincoln before I shook my head, "I would love for you to come with me, little man, but Maggie needs your help." I looked over at Maggie, and she nodded before I continued. "She needs someone to keep Beth company."

As the words left my mouth, I saw his face brighten before he took off down the hallway. I smiled and nodded at Maggie before following Rick outside. Once I was outside, I let out a long whistle, and Tuck came running up to the house and walked right in.

When Glenn and Maggie finally came out, I saw that Glenn had two guns with him. After kissing my brother goodbye, Maggie looked over at me and shot her a small smile, and she returned the gesture. The meaning behind it was clear. I keep my brother safe, and she keeps Lincoln safe. Rick was driving, Glenn slid to the middle seat, and I hopped in right behind him as we took off towards town. As we drove, I could see that Glenn was struggling with something on his mind until he finally burst out, "Maggie says she loves me."

I stayed silent, but a smile crept onto my face, and I could see Rick nodding.

"She doesn't mean it," he continued. "I mean, she can't. I mean—well...she's upset or confused. She's probably feeling, like—"

"I think she's smart enough to know what she's feeling," Rick laughed, cutting off his rambling.

"No, no," Glenn argued, and I laughed.

"Yes, yes. You're the one who's freaking out here."

"No, you know what? She wants to be in love," he pushed. "So she needs something to—to, like, hold onto, I think and—"

"Glenn, it's pretty obvious to everyone that Maggie loves you," I interrupted. "Not just because you're one of the last men standing. So why are you freaking out?"

"I didn't say it back," he sighed, finally meeting my eyes.

"Huh," Rick nodded.

"I've never had a woman say that to me before. Except for Mom, you know. But with Maggie, it's different. I mean...we barely know each other. What—what does she know about me? Nothing. We're practically strangers. But I—I didn't know what to do with it. I just stood there like a jerk."

"Hey, hey, this is a good thing," Rick spoke up. "It's something we don't get enough of these days. Enjoy it."

"When we get back, return the favor," I added, "it's not like she's going anywhere."

As the car came to a stop and Rick pulled the keys from the ignition, Glenn spoke up, "Rick. We know about Lori, about her being pregnant. I got her those pills."

"I figured," he spoke before getting out of the vehicle, and we followed behind him.

"I'm sorry I kept it from you."

"Don't be," Rick shrugged, "you did what you thought was right. It just so happens it wasn't."

The Purification (From the Ashes We Will Rise: Book One)Where stories live. Discover now