"I have no clue mate, but let's find her and win this thing." It's Mattheo and Theo - together

Are they teaming up? Where the hell is Draco, Blaise, Crab, and Goyle? They must have all split up at the entrance when I started running.

I hear what I think is Blaise yell from across the forest and listen to Mattheo and Theo's footfalls as they run towards his voice. Just as they run away, Draco appears from below me, crawling up the hill. Before I can scream, he puts his hand over my mouth. 

"Shh. You don't want to get caught, do you?"

"Well.. you found me." I shrug as Draco removes his hand from my mouth.

"Darling, I know where you are at all times. There's nowhere to hide in the forest. I know all the good spots so I knew you'd be at one of them. This just so happens to be one of my favorites," he adds while sitting down beside me and brushing a patch of dirt off of his trousers.

"I have to tell you something, though." I look in Draco's eyes and see an instant emotion of rage mixed with regret. 

"Mattheo wanted to make this game a sort of bet. The first team to find you gets to pleasure you." My jaw drops as he finishes what he's telling me. I'm instantly pissed.

"So, you mean to tell me that Mattheo listened to absolutely nothing I said to you both the other night? About being some sort of trophy slut?" Draco looks down at the ground before answering.

"Eden you must know that I did not agree to any of that. I would never take advantage of you.. Mattheo literally acts this way with every sexy female he lays eyes on. You, just so happen to be one he never stops talking about. Don't worry, I made him swear to me that he wouldn't tell anyone about you being a virgin, and that promise still stands." 

I look at him with pure anger in my eyes. I don't know whether to cry out of anger, or to reveal myself so that I can find Mattheo and knock the shit out of him.

"I'd fucking kill Mattheo if he ever told anyone. I know how private that is to you, and trust me, I would never hurt you like that.." 

"I believe you, Malfoy." I admit out of annoyance. 

Without speaking another word, he pushes me on my back and begins kissing my neck. He runs his hands up my sides, gripping my white v neck and cupping my chin with his left hand.

"Draco.. You're going to get me caught." I moan quietly in his ear as he leans down over my face. He pulls away from me and lets out a low laugh.

"I'll have you all to myself soon."  

Before I can respond, he sits up and pulls me with him so that I'm crouched into the hiding spot again. "I'm going to find the guys and tell them you haven't been spotted yet. Stay hidden until they decide to give up. After all, I fucking won," he says with a wink as he crawls out of the spot.

About ten minutes pass and nobody has come for me yet, not even Draco. 

Finally, I hear Mattheo yell out, "Oh Eden! You win this one, sweetheart!" 

I begin climbing out of my hiding spot as I see the guys approaching me.

"Bloody hell! You're joking!" Mattheo shouts, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat.

I stand up straight to wipe the dirt from my knees and rage flows through me.

"Talk that shit and own it ass wipe!" I say laughing like a bitch.

They all throw scolding looks at me, except for Draco. He's trying extremely hard not to break out in complete laughter as he winks at me once again. I walk over to the group to discuss our next activity.

They all throw around suggestions like: go to Hogsmeade, go back to the common room and smoke, go watch the first years fail at practicing their spells in the courtyard. 

None of those sound the least bit of appealing to me, at all

Feeling completely a-wall, I ask them all if they'd like to play a game of Spin the Bottle. Shockingly enough, they know what that is and oblige to my suggestion. 

"Follow me dogs," I joking say.

"Whoa whoa whoa now. Just cause you got some of these boys' dicks on a string don't mean you can just call us all dogs, Eden." Blaise snaps.

"It's a joke Blaise, chill the fuck out." I lash back, looking over at Draco to see his mouth folded in, trying not to laugh. Little do they know, the way they look right now, following me around like they are, it makes my comment all the more true. However, I choose not to entertain that thought any longer.

We all make our way back to the common room to start a game of Spin the Bottle

Eleanor and Ramona are seated on the big sofa and catch my eye as we enter the room. I run over to the two of them to catch up. 

"Oh shit! Okay, so we're just about to play Spin the Bottle, have you heard of it?"

Eleanor nods, as does Ramona.

"Sweet. So are you guys in?" I say with a big smirk on my face.

"Fuck it, why not?" Ramona says as Eleanor nods in acceptance. 

We all gather around the fireplace, some are seated in chairs, some are sitting on pillows, and others just sit on the big green rug on the floor.

I sit down with Mattheo on my left and Draco on right. Blaise, Theo, and Crab are sitting to the left of Mattheo, as Goyle, Eleanor, and Ramona sit to the right of Draco. We are all sitting in one big connecting circle now to begin playing. Theo grabs an old potion bottle that's used as a decor piece from one of the side tables to spin it, and I set the rules in place with a little twist to the game.

"Here are the rules to this game as well as the objectives: So, whoever is doing the spinning, must follow through with the given task. Whatever the task is, you must do it to the person that the head of the bottle is pointing at. Any task can be given.. doesn't matter if it's gross, sexual, whatever. If the person who spins the bottle does not follow through with the task, they MUST remove an article of clothing. Make sense?"

Everyone nods and murmurs yes as I continue my explanation. 

"The person to the bottle spinner's left will pick the victim's task. Then, we will just go around the circle to spin and select a task." 

I lay the glass bottle down on the floor and spin it to choose who the first person to spin is. 

It lands on Theo and Crab is the one giving the task.

Theo spins and it lands on Goyle. Crab dares Theo to give Goyle a massive wedgie. Theo follows through, to Goyle's dismay. 

We go around the circle watching everyone follow through with their given tasks, or dares now, if you will. Eleanor spins and it lands on Blaise. Crab dares Eleanor to lick whip cream off of Blaise's nipples. 

Ramona spins and it lands on Crab. Eleanor dares her to let Crab grab her right breast. Crab turns completely red when he does it. Pussy

Goyle spins and it lands on Draco. Ramona dares Goyle to let Draco draw a mustache on him with a permanent marker. Goyle is so pissed afterwards, and he looks absolutely horrendous. 

Now it's my turn to spin, again. I spin the bottle and it lands on Theo. Goyle thinks for a moment before announcing to the group his task for me.

"I dare you to give Theo a lap dance.."  As I sit there shocked, the room goes completely silent. 

Theo stands up and immediately pulls a chair over to the center of the room if front of the group and sits down. I look at Draco to see his facial expression and he's completely calm. Mattheo on the other hand, sits back against the sofa and says, "It's about to get really fucking interesting.." 

Forbidden LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin