True potential 

Start from the beginning

When Izuku felt this rage he grabbed his sword he named nova

He went on a rampage through the island killing the demons and destroying the castle they were in by so much he didn't realize the weapons he got from them

He stopped as he saw what he did and he went on to find the demon that killed him

He has noticed the wyvern was no longer alive he felt like it was sacrificed itself to give Izuku a chance

So Izuku saw a old bunker he entered and saw demons he rushed the bunker and killed the boss demon finding a bike

So Izuku saw a old bunker he entered and saw demons he rushed the bunker and killed the boss demon finding a bike

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So Izuku has been working hard to get stronger and he did so now he is after the last of the powerful demons

So let skip a few years as Izuku has been fighting the demons and losing to a lot of them why well he was being cocky but he learned to do it and still be strong and not underestimate his enemies

So when he did get through he saw his shadow self standing their eyes red as the sun

Izuku grabs nova and was able to keep up and when he defeated him after a few rounds he saw the shadow go into his when he called on this power it was like a clone

So let skip when he is 17 because I haven't played all the devil may cry games well I kinda did but

This is what he looks like when he turned 17

He was just relaxing as he hadn't discovers his devil trigger yet

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He was just relaxing as he hadn't discovers his devil trigger yet

When he was given a new sword

It was not meant to replace his nova but rather help him he named it golden empires

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It was not meant to replace his nova but rather help him he named it golden empires

And he was waiting for the helicopter to pick him up when the girl who gave him nova cling to his arm

Izuku: what do ya need?

??????: can I come with you pls I'll be sad if you leave

She was giving him the puppy eyes

When the helicopter landed he packed everything he had got and his bike folded a little to be easy to carry

When they were leaving the girl somehow held the helicopter down as she got in

Izuku: it seemed I can't get rid of you

??????: nope

As the pilot was sweating he asked if he was fine Izuku said yes he is happy to see his mother he asked if she was okay the pilot was quiet

When they were on their way home they fell asleep Izuku didn't know why but his body felt like it needed more energy

The pilot was sad because he only knew him for a few hours and he could tell he will be angry

So we skip to when they made it

Izuku was shocked as his house was fine and everything seemed fine so when he entered the house he saw how massy it was and heard yelling when he took a look it was siblings kicking something he saw it a dog

He rushed in and blocked any other attack they were doing he saw how hurt the dog was so he went to the bathroom



Izuku: am Izuku Sparta the eldest son of hisashi Sparta and devil hunter

When he was looking over the injured animal he couldn't do anything when it died in his arms he looked at his siblings they looked scared and he grabbed nova and golden empires as he was really for a fight his eyes were red with rage
I hope you enjoy

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