(2) Can't Sleep?

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"Yeosang stop barking at me.", Seonghwa said.

Puppy Yeosang kept running around Seonghwa, barking loudly at him.

"He doesn't like you.", Jongho said.

"I can tell."

It was later that night at the Ateez campsite.

Wooyoung was now little and in the tent with a sleeping San, playing with his toys quietly.

"Zoom zoom zoom...", he said quietly, rolling his cars around.


Wooyoung turned around, and San was waking up.

"Sorry daddy! I just play with toys."

"Oh you're fine baby boy."

San sat up, looking around. He had a sad look on his face.

"You okay daddy?"

"I'm fine baby. Let's go see what the others are doing."

Wooyoung watched San crawl from the tent.

The little went into his fox form, following him.

"Looks like sleeping beauty has risen.", Yunho said.

"Yeah...", San replied, sitting down.

Fox Wooyoung chased Puppy Yeosang around, the two littles playing together happily.

"Are you okay San? You don't look too good.", Hongjoong said.

Everyone except for the hybrid littles looked at San.

"I'm good. Just...a nightmare."

"Well tell us about it. Might make you feel better.", Seonghwa said.

"I...I don't want to bother you all with my stupid dreams."

Jongho came and sat next to him.

"If it's making you this upset, it's not stupid."

San sighed, looking up at the night sky.

"For the past seven months I have been having the same dream at least once a week."

"That's very frequent for a recurring dream.", Seonghwa said.

"Yeah. In the dream, we were all at some house, and it got set on fire while some of us were still inside."

The members got tense at the sound of the story.

"I don't know why, or who did it. But...in the end...there were three of us left."

"Who?", Yunho asked.

"Me, Hongjoong, and Seonghwa."

Jongho, Yunho, and Mingi all made eye contact.

Fox Wooyoung ran up to San, hopping on his lap.

"Hi sweetheart. Had enough running around?"

"Puppy Sangie tried to bite me daddy!"

Puppy Yeosang barked at him.

"I not bite you Youngie! For now..."

"Ahhhhh!", Wooyoung screamed, jumping off of San and running into the tent.

Puppy Yeosang followed him.

Foxes and Ferrets (ft. Xikers)Where stories live. Discover now