Chapter Nine

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Hi everyone. I apologize for not updating since literally last year. I have been dealing with personal things, and I've been working on an audition piece to get into a writing school. I was just recently accepted, so here is chapter 9. I have been working on this book and hopefully I'll be able to update throughout the week. Now, here is chapter nine. And I still need some ideas. Prompts even. I'll credit you. 


Astra POV:
In the common room:

"Harry? What are you doing down here?" I ask. He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Um, well you didn't come back to the common room after your dad called for you and I got worried I guess. Lizzie and Josh went up to their rooms, and then to lessons. I had a free period so I told them I would wait for you," he says. Aww. I smile.

"Thanks Harry," I say.

"Wanna tell me why they called you? When you walked in you seemed stressed," he said, patting a spot next to him on the couch. I nod and sit next to him. We sit in comfortable silence for a bit before I speak.

"My dad just told me he's dating someone," I mumble quietly. Harry doesn't say anything, he just looks at me, letting me continue.

"Apparently it's one of his old school friends who he had a thing for, and they were together for a while, but then life got in the way. And the other day they reconnected and now they're giving it another shot," I explain. I look at Harry and expect to see a look of pity or concern, but no. The look I see is an understanding look. A 'keep going' look.

"And how do you feel about that?" He asks. Something about the way he said that made me want to tell him everything. I know I shouldn't, and I'm scared too, but I feel like he's different. So I do. I tell him everything. And he just sits there listening. By the end of my little rant I realize I'm digging holes into the floor and pacing around the carpet and breathing really heavily. I had held all that in during the conversation in my dad's office and it felt good to get it out. But I was still angry.

"Okay. So what now?" He asks, tilting his head and sighing.

"I don't know honestly. I mean I want him to be happy, but why can't he be happy with me? Am I not good enough? Is he getting tired of me?" I say. And there it is. The real reason I never wanted my dad dating. The fear of abandonment.

"I don't think he's getting tired of you. Listen, I don't know your dad and you that well, but by the way you talk about him and the way he acts when he sees you, you two are close. I don't think he made this decision lightly. And when did he say they got together?" he asks.

"Yesterday," I mumbled, looking away. Maybe Harry has a point.

"See? Yesterday. And I bet he didn't say anything because he didn't want to stress you out anymore. But he told you the day after didn't he? That means he wanted you to know immediately. That makes me think he cares more about your feelings than his fear. Because when he called you, he sounded nervous," Harry says. Maybe he's right. After a few seconds, I sat down next to him again, my anger slowly burning away into another emotion I can't name until I felt Harry wiping away a tear that I hadn't even known I shed.

"Now, what's this about your dad not needing you anymore?" He asks, looking at me.

"I don't know. All my life, it's always just been him and me. And now he adds someone else? How is that fair? And what if this new guy doesn't like me? What if they send me to a boarding school like in some books?" I say, looking at him, on the brink of tears.

"Okay one, you are in a boarding school, just for magic. Two, this isn't a book (Mmm, you sure about that?), and three, why wouldn't he like you?" And then I tell him that it's Professor Lupin and tell him all about our drama. He just sits and listens, looking a little shocked every now and then.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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