Chapter Eight

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Astra POV:
After leaving Sirius's office

As I'm walking to the common room I see Professor Lupin and Professor Potter walking towards me. I nod and smile but only Professor Potter smiles back. Professor Lupin just keeps walking, not even sparing me a glance. Just great. Not only did I totally embarrass myself by running away, but he still hates me.

But anyways, back on track. To find Harry. Now that I think about it, I probably should have asked Professor Potter if he'd seen Harry. I mean he is his dad. Oh well

After a few minutes of walking I finally arrived at the common room. I walk in and guess who's waiting for me. Harry Potter. Nice to know he waited. When I enter he finally notices me.

"Astra, thank god you're okay. I was worried," he says, hugging me. I hug him back, but a little awkwardly. I mean I've only known him for a few days.

"Thanks Harry. I'm fine. But can you tell me what happened? My dad didn't say much," I say, walking to the couches. We both sit down and he begins.

"Well after you ran away it was my turn. Lizzie and Josh wanted to follow you but Professor Lupin said to give you space. When it was my turn I got a dementor, like the one from the train. Professor Lupin stepped in front of me and put the boggart in the cabinet. Then he dismissed class. Lizzie and Josh bolted out of there to look for you, but they went in the wrong direction. So I ran the way you did. I found you crying and o didn't know what to do so I went to get your dad. I told him you needed him and that's all he needed. You've got a good dad by the way. He didn't even ask questions. Just where you were," he says. And he's right, I am lucky. He didn't ask questions because he knows if I'm not taking my pills anything can set me off.

"Thanks Harry. I'm sorry if I scared you," I say, looking down. I expect him to agree, say it's fine, or say I'm weird for crying over something like that but he just stays there, in silence.

I look up to find him already staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Scared? Why would I be scared? You saw your dead dad and you standing over his body. Anyone would freak out. I would freak out. But can I ask? Why were you above his body with a bottle in your hand and blood?" He asks, looking at me with gentle kind eyes.

"Well, I love my dad. As you can tell. And I did something when I was younger. And I hurt my dad. So I'm scared I'll do it again and I'll do something that can't be forgiven," I say. It's not the whole truth, but he doesn't need to know that. What he needs to know is that I have a fear. And that's it. What happened is on a need to know basis. And he doesn't need to know. Not yet anyways.

"Oh. Well, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he says. "Just know I'm here if you need to talk."

"Thanks Harry. I appreciate it," I say. We stay like that for a few minutes before Josh and Lizzie come into the common room.

"Astra! Thank god you're okay. We've been looking for you in between classes. Hi Potter. Are you okay?" Lizzie asks, her words mumbling together by how fast she talks.

"Yeah Liz. I'm fine. My dad got me the rest of the day off," I say, standing up and hugging Lizzie.

"Ugh, lucky. Anyways, come on. It's time for lunch. Potter, you should come with us," Lizzie says, giving me a look that I can't really understand.

"What? Why are you giving me that look?" I ask.

"Nothing. No reason. Anyways, let's bounce," Lizzie says, grabbing my arm. Josh and Harry look at each other, shrug, and then follow us out. As we're walking I see three boys and a girl talking towards us.

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