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Sirius Black had never imagined that he would ever have a real family, let alone a child. But that all changes when a couple of nights after his godson is born, he gets a call from the hospital. At first he doesn't tell anyone, thinking it's a prank by his friends. But when he gets there and sees a doctor waiting for him, he doesn't think it's a prank much longer.

Sirius POV:

"Mr. Black? Can you please come with me?" The doctor lady said when I got to the hospital. The place is huge and I start doubting if this really is a prank by James.

"Um, yes, that's me." I say after a few seconds. "Please follow me this way." She says, then starts walking. I follow her to this room full of little babies.

"Sir, have you been in contact with an Amelia Hanson?" The doctor asks.

"Um, yes." I answer, remembering the amazing, sweaty night we had a couple months back. After she left early in the morning that day, I never heard or saw her again. It was like she vanished.

"Did you have any sexual encounters with her?"

"Um, yes." I answer, scratching the back of my neck as we keep walking. "Why?"

"Would you say you last saw her about nine months ago?" She asks again.

"Um, I guess so. Why are you asking me all these questions?" I ask.

"Well, Mr. Black, it is my honor to introduce you to your daughter." The lady says and opens a door and leads me to a crib with a little baby girl.

"My-my what? No, no, you must be confused with another Black, I don't have a daughter." I say as I look at the little girl in the crib.

"Oh, but sir, she is yours. We did blood tests and everything. And because your brother isn't around, the only other option was you. A couple days ago her mother gave birth here, and then last night she left with a note saying that she was under your custody."

"What-just what?" I say, trying to wrap my head around it.

"If you don't want her we don't have any choice but to send her to social services."

"NO!" I say with no hesitation. As much as I am surprised, I would never make a child go through all that, especially when the child is mine.

"Would you like to hold her?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, please." I answer in a small voice.

The lady handed me the little girl and she was wide awake. When the doctor put her in my arms I saw she had the same eyes I did. She was beautiful. And I could swear at that moment I fell in love with the little girl in my hands. I knew then I would never let anyone hurt my little girl.

"I want her. I'll take custody." I say without looking away from her.

"Very well. I'll go get the custody forms. You can come pick her up in a couple weeks. She has a heart problem so we need to deal with that before we can let you take her home. I will be right back." And with that the lady left me and the little girl alone.

I started playing with the little girl and she smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. I started tickling her and her little laugh was adorable. Even though she was only a few days old she was so adorable and precious. I felt like if I held her too tight she might break and I would find out this was all a dream. Oh how I hope it isn't.

The lady doctor came back and gave me some papers to sign and a birth certificate.

"The mother never named her. You can. These papers are our way to have your consent to give your daughter all the meds she needs."

A Story Never Toldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें