Chapter Four

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Sirius POV:
Astronomy office

James and I were talking about what lessons we were going to teach when Remus came in.

"Remus," I say, standing up.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were dead! And you've been alive all this time!? You didn't even say goodbye!" Remus yelled. I could tell he was angry and he has every right to be.

"Listen, Remus, Sirius explained why he did it and if you'll just listen to him, you can hear his side of the story," James says, trying to calm him down.

"No, no James! He left us! He couldn't handle his grief as if he was the only one and left me! Without so much as a letter telling us where he went! He just got up and left!"

"Remus! Please! I didn't mean to leave you all alone, it's just I was shocked by what happened and I wasn't thinking straight. The minute you helped me out of jail I didn't know what to do so I left. I packed all my bags and went to the hospital. I am so sorry I left you stranded Remus," I say, close to tears.

"No, no. If you were sorry you would have come back! But instead you up and left. YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL US YOU HAD A DAUGHTER!"

"Dad?" I look towards the door where I see Astra standing.

"Oh hey pup. What's up?" I ask nervously. I hope she didn't hear us fighting.

"Well, I just wanted to say goodnight but I can come back later," she says, beginning to walk out.

"No, I believe we're done here. Right Remus?" I ask, looking at him.

"Yeah, we can finish this later," Remus says. He walks past the door and leaves.

"Yeah, I better get going," James said. When he left Astra came up to my desk.

"Dad, are you okay?" She asks, looking at me worried.

"Yeah, I'm okay pup," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Okay, well, I just wanted to say goodnight. I guess now it's easier to say goodnight huh?" She says.

"Yeah. Well, goodnight pup," I say, hugging her and kissing her head lovingly.

"Bye dad." And with that she left. Once she is gone I am left in the silence of my own thoughts for once. I had no idea what to do. I knew that he might be mad but I hadn't planned on him yelling and my daughter walking in. I actually hoped he might not teach here because I knew Remus had always wanted to be a professor, but not here in the same year as me.

What am I supposed to do now?

~~~~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~~~

Astra POV:
Great Hall

First day of school. Why? Like what brilliant person decided that a regular day of life wasn't hard enough for kids they decided to add making them learn things. Why can't our parents teach us?

As I'm sitting next to Lizzie and Josh a professor comes down the table and hands me my time table.

"What classes do you have?" Lizzie asks, looking over my shoulder.

"I have Muggle Studies with the Ravenclaws, Transfiguration with the other Gryffindors, Potions with the Slytherins, and DADA with the Slytherins," I say. (I know this probably isn't the real timetable but I can't remember the real one and I am at school.)

"Same. But I have Divination instead," Lizzie said.

"Ha. You have to learn about spirits and stuff and I get to learn stuff I already know so it's an easy A," I say, pointing my finger in her face. She swats it away but still laughs.

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