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"Yn c'mon let us in. You can't stay in there forever." Dream said as he knocked on my door. "Just go away." I said. I had my head in my knees and I was crying. "Yn don't make me come in there." Dream said. I was scared. I didn't want him to come in but if I didn't open the door then he'd brake it down. He stared to bang on the door causing it to shake. "Dream stop!" I screamed. My voice sounded shaky. Dream banged on the door more and it swung open. "Yn why're you shaking and crying?" He asked. I didn't reply. I couldn't. I was too scared to answer. "Yn answer me." Dream said. I still didn't reply. I just held my head against my knees. "YN ANSWER ME!" Dream shouted. I was shaking like crazy at this point. "I-Sorry." I said. I could barely speak. "Sorry? Just answer me." Dream said. "I'm shaking and crying because you're scaring me and I'm worried that Jessica will hurt me." I replied. "Yn...." Dream said. He had only just realised that he was scaring me. He came up to me and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise that I was scaring you." Dream said. "It's fine." I replied. My phone started ringing. "You should probably answer that." Dream said and then left my room. I answered the phone.
Y-Hello, who's this?
Tu-It's me Tubbo.
Y-Oh. Hey, why'd you call me?
Tu-I wanted to know if what Dream told Tommy was true?
Y-Oh that. Yeah it was true.
Tu-Why didn't you tell me or Tommy?
Y-Because Jessica would've hurt me if I did.
Tu-Oh. Well can we date again?
Y-Umm I think we should just stay as friends bc last time it didn't work out so well. If that's okay with you.
Tu-Oh. Yeah no that's okay with me.
Y-Okay cool, I gtg bye.
I then hung up.

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