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A few days after the last chapter was set. Tommy sorted out my expulsion so I'm going back to school today. I got dressed,brushed my hair,ate breakfast,brushed my teeth, said goodbye to Tommy and left for school.
                     ~at skl~
"Hiii girl." Katie said as she hugged me. "Sup loser." Tyler said as he gave me a slapped me round the back of my head. "Hi Kat, hi dickhead." I said. We all headed to class I had maths first while Tyler and Katie had Art. "YOU FUCKING BITCH! WE AGREED THAT YOU'D GET ME A DATE WITH TUBBO AND YOU DIDN'T INSTEAD YOU BECAME HIS GIRLFRIEND!" Jessica screamed as I came into class. People began to whisper and stare. Some even gave me dirty looks.  "Did I? I don't really remember that." I said and sat on my seat. "Fine. Then I'll just expose your biggest secret." Jessica said. "Damn bro this secret must be real juicy since even I don't know it." I said. "Everyone get your cameras out and start recording for TikTok,Snapchat and Facebook." Jessica said. Everyone then got out their phones and started recording. I was a little worried at this point. "Y/n is a Gold digger and is using Tubbo for fame. "She's such a bitch." Said one girl. "Tubbo deserves better." Said another. "Fucking Liar. I'd never use anymore for fame or clout." I replied as I slapped Jessica. The teacher was about the enter the room so we all sat down and put our phones away.
               ~After class~
"Girl, you do know that all over TikTok and Snapchat the class have been saying that you're a gold digger and that you're using Tubbo for fame and have also found some 'proof' that your a gold digger." Katie said. "Yeah I kn- WAIT WHAT!? WHAT FUCKING PROOF! THERE IS NONE!" I screamed. "Umm then what's this?" Tyler asked showing me a video where I apparently said I'm using Tubbo for fame. "Who made that video? Like I'd never say that it's obviously fake." I said. "Fake? I think not. I recorded our little conversation the other day and you clearly said that you're just using Tubbo for fame." Jessica said with a smirk. "Bitch Ik your good with computers  and shit. And like you just made it out like I did something bad when I never did." I said. "I have no idea what you're on about." Jessica said with a smirk and walked away. My phone started ringing. I answered the phone.
Y-Okay so basically, Jessica found out that I was dating you and got jealous and so she made a fake voice recording where I say that I'm using you for fame. You know I'm not using you right? Right?
Tu-yeah I believe you.
Y-okay then why'd you shout at me when I answered your call?
Tu-bc I wanted to know why Jessica said that lol.
Y-ohhh okey lol cya.
Tu-cya Xxx.
I then hung up and went to get my lunch since it was lunch time. I got into the cafeteria and people just stared at me. Some people even gave me dirty looks. I knew everyone hated me like because of what Jessica said and I was pissed off about it. I got my lunch and sat down with Tyler and Katie and ate. "Girl, you okay?" Katie asked. "Mhm." I replied. I finished my lunch quickly and then went to the bathroom. I decided I was going to stay in there for the rest of lunch so that people couldn't give me dirty looks. ~ring ring~
I had to get to class. The next lesson that I had was PE and in PE I was doing dodgeball today which was kind of annoying because Jessica had PE with me next and I knew she was going to hit me with the ball tons of times. And Katie and Tyler wouldn't even be there to help me out since they had English next. I got changed into my PE kit and went into the PE hall. The teacher told everyone to pick teams. There was two teams. Jessica was on the opposite team to me. Of course. And then the game began Jessica threw a ball at me the second the game began. PE went on for two hours and then it was time to go home. I got changed and ran home. I was mad,annoyed,upset and pissed off all in one. "Hey sos how was skl?" Tommy asked as I came inside. "JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed at him and ran to my room. ~knock knock~ "Sis c'mon lemme in." Tommy said. "Fine." I said and opened my bedroom door. "What's wrong?" Tommy asked. "Jessica made up this lie that I've been using Tubbo for fame and everyone at skl has been giving me dirty looks. Apart from Katie and Tyler." I said. "Okay well does Tubbo believe you like your side of the story?" Tommy asked. "Yea." I replied. "Okay then there's no reason to worry." Tommy said and then left my room.

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