Here is what is going on

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i havent updated in like 2 weeks

and i am sorry

its just a lot of shit is going on in my life right now

and i decided something

i will be ending this book

for good now

there will not be a sequel

i am so sorry

there will be one more chapter

and that's it

i know you guys all hate me right now

i hate myself too :/

but this story is not going anywhere

i don't know if it will go anywhere

i will post the last chapter before june 16th

thats the last day of school

but hey

confession time

i have been writing a story

a new one, a fan fic

i wont spoil it yet

but i really like it

i have already written 9 chapters

i will post it sometime in the summer

i just need a break from writing

i am really sorry

i hope you guys will read it

when i do post it

or maybe you guys just hate me

and never want to read any of my books again

thats understandable



thanks for hanging around for so long

your guys comments were like the best thing ever

you have no idea how happy they made me feel

and let me just say this

i am disraught that i have to stop writing this book

i truly am

but i just cant do it anymore

i have no plan for it

it is super stressful

and just this book added with everything else thats been going on

im sorry

i am really really sorry

The Lion and The Llama: A Phan Love Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now