Chapter 3: A CHILD?!

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As the Morning light shines into Jingshi, the morning bell could heard. The Awaken Lan wangji woke up and bathed in warm water and changed into his usual rodes. He then start up the bath for his beloved. As the bath was ready, Wangji went to wake his love up for a warm bath.

"Wei Ying, It is time to wake up." Wangji softly said, while gently shaking him, however, wei ying jolted up and went to the bathroom and vomited. wangji went and helped him up like every morning, wangji then help by carrying him and gently place him in the bath.

"wei ying, what do you want for breakfast?" wangji asked, preparing weiying's clothes.

"i am craving spicy boiled eggs with horseradish." weiying who was half awake replied, wangji then went out to get breakfast.

Wei ying washed himself up and went to change into his plain white rodes for the day.

"you little rascal, waking me up early in the morning." wei ying jokingly said holding on his belly lovely, Wangji then came in with their breakfast.

"Lan Zhan, the little rascal really loves to wake me up early in the morning." Wei ying said pouting as he ate his food.

"Well, you should wake up early as well then." Wangji commented with a happy look that did not go unoticed by wei ying, who happily ate his food.

"where is a-li? did she went to find a-yuan?" Weiying questioned not seeing his daughter.

New OC Alert

Birth name: Lan Li

Courtesy name: Lan Lifen [means Beautiful Fragrance]

Birth parents: Wei wuxian and Lan Wangji

Wei wuxian could get pregrant because of the child bearing pills given to him by Crimsion Rain Sought Flower as a Wedding Gift. ;)

"A-li had went to sleep with A-yuan last night." Lan Wangji responded calmly, and Wei wuxian nooded in understandment.

(the reason they are eating separatly with the others because people would be grossed out as his weird cravings)


"Greeting travelers from the past, I am Lan Huan couresty name Xichen and the current sect leader of Gusu lan, and it is believed that you all have been transported into our present time. i hope you may understand that we are using our best ability to help out." F.Lan Xichen Said to everyone who are currently in the main hall.

"thought, we have a idea of who it might but she is only will be arriving soon either." F.Jiang Cheng whispered under his breath but did not go unheard by those who have sharp hearing. The F.wei ying just chucked at jiang cheng's comment.

A hand could be seen raised by P. Wei wuxian, P. Lan Qiren who was calm, suddenly had an annoyed expression shown on his face, which made F. Lan qiren understand his past self's blind hatred towards Wei ying and his mother.

"Future Jiang Cheng, whaat had you meant by you have a idea of whos doing this is?" P. Wei Wuxian questioned, earning shocked faces from the past people and F. Wei Wuxian chucked even harder with a sleeve covering his face.

"I have always disliked how you have enhanced hearing and you would hear my whispers" said from the older Jiang cheng, earning a giggle from his older shixiong(wei wuxian).

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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