Vol 1 : Chapter 11 : Saving Yamadead and Broken bonds

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"It was simply for two reasons. One, If I saved Yamauchi today without him facing some kind of consequences, he won't learn.

We are not in some kind of war. We are school students. We are here to learn things. If Yamauchi got carried to class A and if he never learnt anything, what do you think will happen?

Without any skill or knowledge about the work or university he attends, he will fail. I simply don't want to be the reason for someone failing in their life.

Two, Yamauchi was delusional. His pervert nature and behaviour earns hate among his peers, aka us. I know many will deny it, but we all know how much we hate him. Whether it is for his pervy nature or due to his obnoxiousness, it doesn't matter.

What matters is, if he by chance changes his qualities because of this event, we could even come to like him as a classmate at some point.

What I am saying is, don't be short sighted. Look into the future. We still don't know what kind of exam these "special exams" are. If it's involves some kind of individualism, then there won't be anyone to save you.

You will be on your own. I am not asking you to drag others' weight. Atleast carry your own, and leave the rest to me. " I gave a cringey speech.

Nobody could deny my claims. So naturally people forget that I am a sadist who tormented Yamauchi. I mean, it also depended on the person who as the victim.

The lack of sympathy towards killers is a common psychological response that can be explained by several factors.

This also applies to some extend towards people who doesn't follow a certain set of social rules and cause needless trouble to their surroundings.

Firstly, humans have an innate sense of empathy and compassion towards others or something that they worked for.

When someone takes another person's life or ruins this work, it goes against this basic instinct and violates the social contract that we have with each other to protect and respect one another's lives.

This violation can cause a deep sense of anger and disgust towards the perpetrator, leading to a lack of sympathy for their actions.

To simply put, people won't show the same compassion for the suffering of a killer or criminal, as they do for other 'normal' people.

Additionally, society has established norms and values that condemn what Yamauchi did as a heinous act.

As a result, individuals who commit such crimes are often seen as deviant and immoral, and their actions are considered unacceptable.

This moral condemnation can further fuel the lack of sympathy towards those people, as they are seen as violating not only individual lives but also societal norms and values.

In this case, the life of his classmates.

Moreover, the circumstances surrounding the murder can also affect the level of sympathy towards the perpetrator.

For instance, if the murder was premeditated, brutal, or done for personal gain, it can be challenging to empathize with the killer's motives or see them as a victim of their circumstances.

This goes for Yamauchi's case too. He didn't commit these mistakes for the sake of 'justice', in the first place, there is no part of moral epiphany in case of following simple rules like being obedient and discipline in classes.

In conclusion, the lack of sympathy towards Yamauchi's case is a natural response that is rooted in humans' innate sense of empathy, societal values, and the circumstances surrounding the him.

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