Chapter 12

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"I'm gonna clean your face, and then you're going straight to bed. You've been up all night. It's late." Dave explained as he sets Kurt on the bathroom counter.

Kurt puffed his cheeks out. "So? I stay up till three answering fan mail." He reminded.

Dave rolled his eyes. "yes, I know you do honey. But this is affecting your sleep schedule not so goodly."

"Whatever.. just fix me up would ya?" Kurt asks. His back facing the mirror. And Dave knew exactly why.

With a soft sigh, Dave opened the bathroom cabinet and takes out the small medkit.

"I don't have to do much..just clean the blood and add a bandaid. The bruises are already going down it looks like." Dave rambled as he opened the medkit.

"Can't you just kiss my boo-boos goodbye?" Kurt tiredly joked as he rubbed an eye. A yawn escaped his lips.

Dave laughed. "Oh I wish I could, hon." He replied to his crush as his cheeks tinted a little red.

Kurt noticed. Naively he asks, "Are you sick Dave? Did you get the flu or something? A fever?"

"Wh-what?! Aha, no! Maybe it's just hot in here.." Dave excused his blushing as he began to clean Kurt's injuries.

He noticed a scratch mark across Kurt's cheek and started to add healing alcohol on a cotton ball. He lightly tapped the injury with it.

Kurt hissed in pain. "Ouch! Ouch! Fuck that stings!" He exclaimed.

"Shhh." Dave hushed as he cleaned Kurt's injuries. "Don't be whiny." He mumbled as he contuined to clean Kurt's face.

Kurt stuck his bottom lip out as he huffed. Trying to ignore the stinging sensations.

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