Chapter 10

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Dave opened his eyes since he felt a presence. Noticing those striking diamond blue eyes, the drummer quickly sat up.

"Oh! Kurt, hi!" Dave exclaimed in shock and being startled. Kurt lightly chuckled. "Hey." He muttered.

Dave cleared his throat. His cheeks felt warm. His heart felt fuzzy. "What are you doing up, late?" He decided to ask.

Kurt cleared his throat. Scratching the back of his head. "Oh uh.. no reason. I just couldn't get to sleep."

"Oh." Dave mumbled. There was a pause. The two felt their faces heat up as they avoided eye contact.

"Do you want your sweater back?" Dave asks as he held it up to Kurt. Kurt turned his head. "Not right now.."

"Oh, okay." Dave mumbled as he lowered it. Kurt felt a little smile rise on his face. "Wear it."

The drummers face turned red. "You want me too..?" He asked, in disbelief. Kurt nodded his head shyly. "I mean, if you want..."

Dave smirked a little. He checked the size tag. It definitely is going to be small on him. But he didn't care.

It's obvious that they have maken up their argument earlier and Dave didn't want it to stir up again.

"Sure, hon. Sure." Dave replied as he slipped the sweater on. It was somewhat snugged on the arms but the torso fit right.

Kurt looked over. He smiled as he looked at Dave. The moonlight is flooding in the room and showing their faces.

"It looks kinda small." Kurt mumbled shyly. Dave chuckled. "Yeah?" Kurt nodded his head.

"Now," Dave gets up and cupped Kurt's face. Feeling the warmth radiate off of the blonds cheeks.

"Let's get you patched up." Dave says.

Reminding Kurt about the injuries he has received from her.

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