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Three months later

He was tired. So tired. But he finally found her. She stared at the sleeping monster in front of her, being on guard immediately. Adikia searched over him, for he interested her. She had grown to almost her full height in the three months.
Godzilla slept, he slept peacefully on the beach she laid at during the day. He stirred. Causing her to hide back in the trees and stare at him. But she made a gentle crooning sound. Godzilla mimicked her sound, slowly looking towards her. She tilted her head curiously, tail swaying behind her. Godzilla shifted towards the water, pulling out a large fish and holding it out towards her. Adikia stepped out, staring at the fish and gently taking it from his jaws with her own. He watched as she sat down, using her hands to tear the fish in half and giving a half to him. He gently took it from her, watching as she ate happily. The fish was amazing to her. She had never had anything like this fish.
He took bites of his half of the fish, finishing it soon after her. She scooted closer to him, using her small claws to look at his hands. She leaned into his hands, purring softly at the warmth. He leaned against her slowly, her allowing him to rest on her shoulder. He was comfortable.
She shifted, slightly pulling him closer and wrapping her tail around him slightly.

Serizawa watched as the two nuzzled each other, warming up to each other quickly. Tessa watched with a slight glimmer in her eyes. She wanted this to happen. For the two to join and not fight. She didn't think they would, for Godzilla seemed to calm to attack Adikia.

Adikia made a roaring sound, huffing and staring at him as he stood up. He made a coeing sound, holding out his hand for her. She hesitated, unwilling to leave her home. But she had slowly began to outgrow it. And he wished to leave with her.
It took time, a few hours at least, for her to finally take his hand and he gently guided her to the water. He showed her how to enter the water safely, helping her when she stumbled. She didn't like the feeling of the water nearly engulfing her body, it frightened her slightly. Adikia clung to him tightly, and he was there to calm her. He took slow steps, guiding her as slow as he can walk. Soon she was nearly submerged in the water, and his chest was still out. But he sunk in the water, showing her how to fully be engulfed in the water. She mimicked him easily, letting out a happy sound as she swam up next to him.
He watched her, ensuring she didn't freak as she swam in a circle. She did twists and turns, circling around him with a crooning sound. He mimicked the sound, nudging her gently as she finally settled next to him.
If he could laugh, he would. For such a small creature she packed a lot of energy. He watched her carefully as they began to swim, allowing her to lead in front so he could watch her.

"He's on the move!" Tessa yelled.
"Is Adikia with him?" Serizawa questioned.
"I don't know. We don't have a PinPoint on her." She hummed while looking back at him. "But we can go and find him."
"No, we'll just disturb him." He sighed while running his fingers through his hair.
"We'll figure it out, honey. I promise." She said gently while patting his shoulder. He made a sound before looking down at his watch, shaking his head

They swam far, as far as Adikia would let him go without her panicking on him. He nuzzled her affectionately on another island he found big enough for them both, her purring back happily and wrapping her tail around him. Godzilla was gentle in moving around her. He didn't want to hurt her. Adikia examined his massive hands, using her claws to trace over the cracks along his skin. A low purr rumbled from him as he watched her curiously, a glimmer in her eyes as she looked up at him and pointed to a scar. He shook his head slightly and made a sound, pointing to the water. Adikia made a sound before huffing and licking the already healed scar. He made a sound that mimicked a chuckle and leaned against her. She purred contently while nuzzling him back, both of their tails wrapping around each other.
Godzilla left momentarily to find food for the two of them, leaving Adikia to sit on the beach alone. She stared at the place he had walked into, already missing the larger monster. She whined to herself, and roared out in surprise as he suddenly appeared back in front of her with a monstrous amount of fish flowing onto the beach.
Godzilla grinned, nudging her gently before immediately eating a handful of fish whole. He stared at him, giving him a dumb look before eating a singular fish. She was slow with eating, Adikia always was. Meanwhile Godzilla was a fast eater. He ate handfuls at a time and quickly. He stared at his mate, blinking slightly as she ate slowly. With a small hum, he slowed to eat her portions. It was odd, eating as slow and small as she did. But he slowly began to love it. He ate slower, and was able to fill up much slower. Eating in pace with her.

"He hasn't moved." Tessa whispered while braiding her hair. "I wonder if that's where they are located."
"I believe so. Lately he has moved nonstop. He's only stopped for Adikia." Serizawa nodded while finishing off her hair with a smile.
"Seems like how we met, don't you think baby?" She giggled while kissing his cheek. Serizawa chuckled, leaning against her before looking at the screen.
"It is odd. He moves occasionally, and not as often anymore."
"Seee? He must be taking care of her as well. See how he keeps coming out and back in?"
"Feeding." He hummed with a nod.
"Exactly! He's caring for her along with foood." She grinned while adjusting her glasses.

Adikia yawned as the moon went down, finding a spot deep in the forest and curling up tightly. Godzilla followed her, giving her a quick nudge and laying next to her. She blinked, yawning more before nuzzling into his chest. The two wrapping their tails together as she fell into a gentle slumber. He watched her, leaning his head against hers before adjusting and he to, fell into a gentle slumber.
He let out a roar of confusion, Adikia was gone. It was unusual for her being away from him. Adikia roared back as she ate a small portion of fish she had caught, swaying her tail happily as he approached her and made a sound of confusion. With a sound of a chirp, she pointed to the food with a happy purr.
She had left hours before he woke, leaving into the water and hunting their food on her own. It scared her, the water. She feared at first she would be lost from the new island but she found it as quick as she left it with the fish. Godzilla nuzzled her as he sat down and he to began to feast on the fish.

(Annnnd chapter two done. Pftt. So chapter three should soon go along with the movie. I hope. Idk it might(: )

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