44- The Chains Again

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Angelique presses her lips together, and looks over Loki's shoulder, towards the cell door. She pulls slightly against the chains, but already knows that there is no point in trying to get away from the tight iron.

"What do you want to know?" She asks in a low voice.

He smiles a twisted smile and pulls the blade away from her. "Where is my daughter?"

"You already know where she is. You just saw her."

He smirks, "She and Videl will not stay there now. Videl will take her some place while he tries to find you. Where will he take her?"

"I don't know."

"Mm, not the answer I wanted," Loki takes her arm and digs the blade above her bicep. Angelique whimpers as the blood trickles from her skin, dripping onto the floor to join the crimson stains of the previous torturer.

"I...don't...know..." Angelique swallows, blinking back tears, "I promise you, Loki, I don't know, Videl never told us where we were going before he took us."

"Why was she alone?"

"I don't know."

Loki puts his free hand on her throat, and says as Angelique cries out as she feels as though her flesh is burning off, "You, my dear, are not very good at this game."

"Sorry," she mutters, gasping as her skin continues to hiss.

"I wouldn't be apologizing to me," says Loki coolly, "I would be apologizing to your heart, because the next lie you tell will cause it to be ripped out of your chest."

Angelique glares at him, sweat pouring down her forehead.

"I am being generous, and will ask once more. Why was my daughter alone in that town? I thought you and Videl kept a close eye on her."

Angelique takes a deep breath, her whole body vibrating with pain. "She...it's been a month...we were being careless...we let her go off on her own."

"Good, better answer."

She swallows, looking down at the ground.

"How differently has she been acting?"

"What do you mean?" asks Angelique, trying to think up another lie as quickly as possible. She knows she is extremely lucky getting away with lying to Loki, and can only assume that it is because he is not fully mentally capable right now.

"You knew her before I turned her immortal. How did-"

Angelique gapes, "She's immortal?!"

A slow smile spreads across Loki's lips, "Ah, she didn't' tell you?"

She silently curses herself for letting Loki find this out, but knows it can't be helped anymore, "No, she didn't, so how do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Assume for the sake of conversation that I am. Now how has-"

"Is there a cure for immortality?"

The words are out of Angelique's mouth, and she regrets them immediately, especially since this results in the blade to go piercing into her other arm.

"To answer your question," says Loki with faux-delight, "Yes, there is one. But it lies in the center of the palace, and you haven't the slightest chance of recovering it."

"How could you do-"

Angelique screams as the blade digs into her deeper, the blood spurting out of her.

"I am not interested in you asking me anything else," says Loki, "What is your name?"

"Queen Victoria," spits Angelique.

Kidnapped|Book 4|A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora