It was a tuesday, Beomgyu was in his last course for the day. The teacher gave a homework, everyone was cool with it until he said that it was by group of two people.

He was praying to get paired with Yeonjun, but with his luck he got paired with Yeji.

He felt like dying. Yeji came up to him and they exchanged numbers, just to fix a meet up to work on their project.

As he was leaving school, he spotted Yeonjun. And since 'they were fine' he ran and gave the older a back hug.

The older turned around and pushed him soo hard that he fell on the ground. Everyone turned to them. Yeonjun then yelled" WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU DUDE??"

Beomgyu stared at him with doe eyes, and tilted his head then said" B-but h-hyung, y-yester-." "What the fvck dude, do you have a memory loss or something, cuz in case you forgot I DON'T WANT A FRIEND AS SELFISH AS YOU. So stay away from me you ungrateful and selfish person."

Beomgyu just stared at him with tears in his eyes, while people were laughing at him and recording him. For a moment the older felt bad, but he quickly brushed it off and leave with Yeji, while Beomgyu was still on the floor and crying like a baby.

After sometimes, he got up and let the university to go to a bar, cuz it was seriously too much for him at that moment. He felt so ashamed and mad at himself. Cuz in his head, he deserved it, he really was an horrible person that deserves every bad things that were happening to him.

He cried like crazy, and drank way too much, he already had low alcohol tolerance, but he drank way more than he had never done before.

He stayed there till 1 in the morning, and left to go home. On his way, he felt like someone was following him, but he just keep on walking.


As he was waking by and old buildin, a middle aged drunk man suddenly pulled him in. He screamed and tried to escaped, but he was too weak and drank too much. Plus he only ate breakfast so, his stomach hurted like crazy.

The man who pulled him in the building, started to touch him at some intimate places, while Beomgyu was begging the man to let him go.

The man laughed and said" I will let you go pretty boy, but let's have some fun before." Then he started to suck Beomgyu's neck, while the other was still screaming for help and begging.

The man then said" You looked soo pretty when you were crying at the bar, so I wanted to see your lewd face when I would be above you angel, and the pretty noises you could make in that pretty mouth of yours."

Beomgyu started to throw his hands, to try to get the man off him, but the man just slapped him really hard and pinned both his hands above him. The next thing Beomgyu knows is that he felt a sharp pain in his asshole and his mind went blank.


He didn't know how the hell he got home, but he was in his bathroom crying and looking with disgust at his body, and wincing every time he touched his bruises while taking a bath.  He threw up more than 5 times and his head hurted 10 times more than ever.

After he washed his mouth for the last time that night he went to bed, and fell asleep instantly.

The next morning, he woke up with his head pounding like crazy, the pain was soo intense that he screamed in pain. He couldn't even reach his pain killers cuz he couldn't move a bit. He was too weak and his lower back was in pain.

He was sweating very much and he felt as if he was freezing. He was in soo much pain, and yet he was all alone. He saw that it was already 12 PM so, he obviously missed school and yet no one checked on him.

He felt soo alone, and he cried so much and was in soo much pain that at some point he just felt numb and empty. Just lying there feeling like dying a little more as hours went by.

He spent 6 days here in his bed, without eating, and barely drank water. Yet no one called him, nor checked on him.

He had a little hope when his parents called him, but he instantly started to cry, because his father said" Choi Beomgyu, you are such a selfish and useless brat. Do you know how hard we are working to pay for this expensive university for you, and you just stayed at you dorm and didn't attend your classes for a week? You're just wasting our money, in alcohol. You know what, we will still pay for the university fees but we will cut your credit card and you will have to work to earn your own money."

Then he hung up without even waiting for Beomgyu's explanations. The said boy just layed on his bed, letting the tears fall. His eyes were soo red that it feels like he could start to cry tears of blood.

He barely slept for 4 hours only the past 6 days. Not 4 hours per day, but 4 hours for 6 days. He wasn't even sleeping, he just lost consciousness due to his illness during these times.

The next day he finally gathered all his remaining strength, he didn't have any but hey the intention matter.

He made it to the kitchen and lucky he had a some soup left from the last time he cooked, so he heated it up in the microwave and ate it.

His stomach hurted like crazy and he wanted to throw up. But luckily he didn't throw up, he started to feel his headache so he just took his painkillers and went to take a bath. Then got ready to go to the university.

It definitely was the worst decision he ever made in his life.


Hello my beautiful readers 🥰🥰

How are you guys doing?? Hope you guys are fine. Did you liked today's chapter? Hope you did hehe.

Hope you guys don't hate me after this. I really am sorry, I cried too if that makes y'all feel better, I suffered too dw.

Also sorry for late update, I had some issues, but it's ok now.

Also thank you guys for your support, all you likes and comments makes me soo happy, I love y'all soo much. And please don't forget to keep on voting and commenting.

Love y'all and see you guys next chapter, bye bye 👋😘

(Didn't proofread, sorry for my mistakes)

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