| The Letter That Returned Back |

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Late at that same night, Y/n was looked after and pampered with hopes that everything is going to be okay. Which in reality was quite contradictory. We know that things that has been meddle with takes time to heal. So does wounded hearts. Jo and Daisy left no stones unturned in convincing Y/N that it happens. And that this sort of thing is termed as misunderstanding. And if she would feel any better by writing him back, she should write at the moment. Because Y/N has empathy for others for short period of time and if she would go on feeling that what she did was indeed right, there is no turning back. As always Jo and Daisy had to leave Y/N's room because Liz came in interrupting them about the preparation for Louisa's 6th birthday. Which is to be held on the coming Friday. And not to stress Y/N more on the matter, the sisters left her with a warm goodnight kiss on the forehead. Y/n being left all alone is still bewildered by her thoughts and inner consciousness. She then walks to the balcony, places both of her hands on the baluster. Looking up at the full moon and she closes both of her eyes squeezing them tight for a moment, she intakes the fresh breeze that lingered around her. Hugging her arms tightly around her she whispers:

Clair de Lune

Rest thy eyes on me oh moon.

Do I appear gloomy or jolly,

So, it is I with all the folly.

If thou shed thy light on him,

Make him forget what I uttered last.

Send a sparrow, to sing him a song,

Fondle his ruffled hair all night long

Clair De Lune,

Rest thy eyes on me, oh moon.

Her heart is not at ease. She yearns for his forgiveness. She yearns for his one glance, one last dance and one stroll at their backyard. She rushes to her table and takes out a paper. Taking out an ink bottle from the drawer, She pins her hair up, wrapping herself in a shawl, she indulges herself. Yes, indulging in writing to His grace at this hour of the night. The ink goes on like...

To: The Duke of Edinburgh

Timothy Stansfield

Your Grace,

Salutations on your way. May your name surpass many renowned Dukes and may you be mighty of them all. I could not thank you enough for being a kindered spirit. I am writing this piece of message to convey you the gratitude I felt after reading the letters you sent and the pretty little glove. Thank you for carving out the letters in an elegant manner, no one had ever wrote this beautifully for me. I appreciate all your efforts. These appreciation are nothing in front of your perfectly punctuated letters and the token of love that you have put in it. My apologies for not reading your letters soon and replying them back. I did not write to you all of a sudden because I had this misconception in mind about you, and for it I am so embarrassed. I know I could not be forgiven at this point, but if you have tiniest sympathy for me in your heart, pity me and forgive me your grace. I deserve to be punished if that would calm your inner peace. I am ashamed of the way I acted and I feel horrible of my actions. Consider my apologies. I can do anything to repent for the horrible action of mine. But please do consider forgiving this lowly creature.

Yours Faithfully

Y/N Williams

She re-checks the letter before putting it inside the envelope. Sealing the envelope close, she looks at the envelope for the last time and puts it on the dressing table. She feels as if heavy load is being lifted out of her heart and mind after writing the letter. She blows the lamp out. Discarding the shawl on the chair, she falls on the bed. Her hair displays on the white silk pillow like an art. Her face looks like an unsolved puzzle which glows a little on the moon light that creeps to her room through the giant windows. Slowly when the moon is covered by the canopies of the sky, Y/n delves into a deep slumber. And oh sweet heaven, her face looks like puffy candy floss, pale peachy pink.

It is at dawn when Y/n wakes up from her sleep. She takes a ribbon from the drawer by pulling it out. Combing her knotted hair with her fingers she ties them up in a bun. A loud yawn escapes from her mouth. She shuts her mouth with one of her hand not to wake anyone up. Tying her night gown, she arranges the curtains and binds them up. Turning around the desk she picks up the letter that she wrote last night and clutches it tightly to her beating heart. Opening the door of her bedchamber she smoothly walks down the stairs and make it to the main hall. Turning left, she vanishes into the alley. She knocks on the door which stands few feet away from the kitchen.

"Anna." She gives a loud whisper.

After a series of knocking, At last the door opens. And there stands our troubled Anna rubbing her eyes which she barely could open.

"Anna!" Y/n taps her shoulders and shakes her off her dreams, to make her aware that she is already out of the bed.

"Oh! Good morning, young miss." Anna stutters coming back to her senses.

"Would you do me a favour?" Asks Y/n bending over a little.

"Anything for you my lady." Anne says without any hesitation.

"Here, (she goes inside the room) would you go and deliver this to Bernard, tell him to post this." She raises her eyebrows to her. Still puzzled about her writing him back. "And you have to leave now."

"Not a problem my lady, I will get the work done as soon as I could." Anna holds Y/n's fragile hand in concern.

"Oh Anna! You're a life saver." Y/n cries with joy holding her hand tighter.


3 Days have passed since Y/N has her letter delivered. And it's almost Sunday after a day. The sisters could not understand why Y/n is discarding her apple tart, or why she does not occupies herself more in her hobbies. Less dp they know that she actually wrote to the Duke. Y/N keeps waiting for the letter that she sent. She's eager to see what the Duke would reply to her next. Throughout the day she keeps sitting in the balcony, hoping for someone to call upon her from the main hall. Sometimes she just sits on the main stairways just holding a book. And we know that she's totally not reading a lot these days. Sometimes she is at the prologue and sometimes at the Epilogue. When she's being asked by the sister what the book is about she just changes the topic and gushes back to the balcony. This worries the sisters. They cannot do anything about this because lately Y/N has been keeping up with herself. But that day, a letter arrived. And it may be a letter from the Edinburgh.

"Y/N you got a letter." Lloyd shouts from downstairs.

"cominggggg..."Y/n runs as fast as she could, she skips the stairs while mounting down from the staircase, just to reach there faster.

She snatches the letter from Lloyd.

"What's with her?" Lloyd murmurs giving her a confused look, leaving her along with her letter.

Y/n hurries upstairs. She knocks upon the door of Jo and Daisy. But when they do not respond, she goes back to her room, excited as she ever was.
She tears the letter open and what does she find? She finds her own letter being sent back. Her ego is being hurt, so does her heart. Pretending as if nothing happened, she sniffs. She is well aware that now she is just nothing for the Duke. With a heavy heart, and hopelessness shrouding her face, she decides to return back to her books. She flops on the couch in the balcony and starts reading The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli.

To be continued...


Hello my beautiful readers, 🌼

How have you been? I know I took a while to update but I was a little busy. And I'll be more busy now. But don't worry I'll keep updating often. I'm writing the next episode now, and I will update it sooner or later. I hope you all are doing good, and eating loads of veggies. No matter what anyone says about you, always remember there is no one more precious than you. Let's wait for Jin and J-hope now💜 I hope they are well in the military.

Until then, keep scrolling the pages.

Rest in peace our angel Moonbin.🕊️🕊️❤️🌼

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