| His Photograph |

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The day started with the birds chirping beside Y/N's bed chamber. She yawned at those sound & rolled to the other side. Her governess opened the door, "Good morning miss. Breakfast downstairs." She came & opened the window curtains. "Good morning, I'll be there soon". She wakes up. The governess bows her & she leaves.

 The governess bows her & she leaves

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Later that afternoon:

Y/n seems exhausted. She goes upstairs, she takes out her colors, quill, pins all of her hairs, "This needs to be done. I've painted you in my imagination since I was 15. You'll be nicely sketched mr. Raven hair." She murmurs. She begins to close her eyes for few seconds, then slowly opens her eyelid, arranges her canvas & starts to paint.

 She begins to close her eyes for few seconds, then slowly opens her eyelid, arranges her canvas & starts to paint

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{Edmund walking through the hallway}

"Jo", he calls. Jo turns.
"Where's Y/n?"
"She's probably in her room, brother."
"We all need to talk, papa has asked me to.  Call the others & meet me at mango orchard"
"Sure, brother. I'll be back" Jo agrees and leaves.
Edmund hurries to the orchard.

{At the orchard}

*Imagine this as a mango orchard*

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*Imagine this as a mango orchard*

Mrs. Audrey places the chairs and leaves.
They arrive.
"Luisa won't be here, because she's with mama, taking her afternoon nap." Lizzie informs.
"Geez! She's a baby Liz" laughed Lloyd, while the others sit with a blank expression. He looks at them, "What? You guys can't accompany your brother, when he's laughing at his own sense of humour" (he looks at  everyone) Lloyd wriggled his eyebrows.
"That sense of humour is non-sensical, brother." Lizzie scoffs.
"Whatever." Lloyd mutters.
"Lloyd". Edmund clears his throat.
" We're here to discuss something serious. You save your humour for the next time. (He sits)
"So Y/N is 20. & It's the time to get her wed to a noble man. I wanted to talk about the suitors. But, here we'd a visitor today. (Smiles) The Duke of Edinburgh visited today morning. He had this quite conversation with papa. (Sighs) And he wants to marry Y/n, at the end of the falls."
"Wait-what!" Lloyd reacts a bit late.
"But she's only 20". Jo's voice almost shrieked.
"It's not about your age sweetie, it's about how your suitor is weighed. Both in wealth & intelligence. Besides, it's her ripe age & the Duke likes her." (Ed pulls out something from his poscket)
"But brother, the marriage can only take place when Y/N will agree?" Lloyd stands up.
"Yes. And for that you all have to make her agree." He gives a sort of paper to Lloyd.
"Brother, marrying her against her will is not something which we can call appropriate."Lizzie looks astonished.
"I agree with you all, I love her the same as you . But, just think, she'd have her own carriage. She could be a duchess. Infact, we all want her to lead a happy life. Mama and Papa adore her much. They want this to work out so badly." He pleaded.
"But, what's this?" Asked Lloyd looking at the piece of envelope.
"It has Duke's photograph, in it. The Duke had something to deal with, so he went away quickly. He couldn't meet with Y/N, so that's it. He sent the photograph instead."
"&-We've to make her agree"
"Yes, Liz, you, Jo & Lloyd should convince her, because you three have spent much time with her while I was busy in my studies abroad." Said Ed.
"We'll do it" says Lloyd.
"We'll try brother. Atleast for mama and papa" says Liz.
"I believe in you" Edmund stoods up & leave.

Late that evening in Y/N's room:

Y/N sits in her bed stitching a white satin handkerchief. She hears a knock on the door.
"Y/N, may I come in?"
"Liz, yes come. Do have a sit." She keeps her embroidery hoop aside.
"What is it?" Y/N asks.
"Can I come in too?"asks Jo, "Of course, do come in Jo."
She flashes a smile on her face.
"Well, what makes you both come at the same moment." Y/N asks.
"We need to talk about something" cuts Liz.
"& What's that something  which we need to talk?"
Liz & Jo sigh.
"You've got a suitor, ( handing her the envelope) & it's his photograph in it." Y/n takes the envelope from her.
"Who is it?" She asks.
"It's the Duke of Edinburgh, he wants to marry you." Jo informs.
"Open it ( Liz urges) we're dying to see, what's inside."
"Okay, fine." Y/n runs her fingers through the envelope & tears it open.

She is awestruck. That picture has seven young men. They're not just young, they're arrestingly  charming. She gasps.

 She gasps

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"Well.."( she shows them the photograph )
"Oh my God! We have to believe in the fact that we don't know who the actual Duke is, ( Liz snatches the photograph) but look at them. They're absolutely magnificent."
"Mama told once that the Duke has six brothers. Geez stop gawking Liz "( she gives the photo back to Y/N)
"I'm not going to marry without knowing the  person I'm going to be married with." Y/N gets up & walks to the balcony.
"Fine, it's what mama papa wants. They want this to work out. But you don't have to hurry in giving your opinion sister, ( Jo pats Y/N's shoulders) he's coming to visit on Sunday, after the church. ( She takes Lizzie's hands) okay then, goodnight sister, take proper rest."
"Goodnight" Y/N hums.
She shuts the door. Sits at her table.

Scribbles:I'm going to marry a man whom I don't even know

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I'm going to marry a man whom I don't even know. What are we? Showpieces? Decorated, docile, submissive, that everyone wants to claim us as one of their possession. They just glance at us & fall in love. If only heart & face could switch places ( she sighs, looks out of the window, brushes her hair backwards)
I know it's papa mama's decision. It's not their fault in any way, they just want me to be happy.
But still, I'll try...


Hello baebies.🥀🌼🌻🌺🌹🌷🌸
Happy belated 8th anniversary to BTS 🥺💜
Did you all watch the muster?  🥺🥺
They're such muffins.😭
How are y'all? 
Are you having proper sleep? Are you eating properly?  Are you completing your homeworks?👀
I wanted to extend it further but guess what, Shelley knocked in & I've to complete the assignments. {Sedlaif (TT)}
& Forgive me if there's gonna be grammatical mistakes. And I don't own the pictures too.
Until then, stay home, stay safe. Stream Butter 🧈.
& Butter's  #1, 3rd week at Billboard hot 100.🎊🎊
PS- whenever I write. The conversations in here. Whenever these characters speak something, I imagine them speaking in British accent.

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