Complicated Explanations

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Ichigo P.o.v
I looked around to see everyone looking at me either with a worried look or just plain curious (I noticed only Rin was the only curious one). "Ugh, first things first NO questions until I've finished and secondly, though farfetched is all true, and finally do NOT tell anyone outside this room about it otherwise you will either have your memories wiped or killed." At this they all went wide-eyed but nodded too curious to miss this opportunity.
"Firstly the afterlife is real, when you die you separate from your body and one of two things happen either a Shinigami or death god will perform a Konso on your soul and you will pass onto the afterlife peacefully or become a Hollow. A hollow is a soul who hasn't passed on and their Soul chain has eroded away completely a have a hole through their chest. This is because their negative emotions were strong enough for them to live, but must eat other souls to live a grow stronger, hence why Shinigami have weapons they fight with to purify those hollows so they can pass on." I then gave them the full version of, Ghosts, Rukia, Aizen everything, when I did finish it was late at night and they were all still paying attention even Rin who never stays awake for long periods of time was still awake.

Rin P.o.v
Who knew my cousin was such...a..a..A BAD ASS. He saved the world at the loss of his powers, he fights an evil version of himself, attacks anyone who disturbs his sleep. HE DIED TWICE but still carried on with his will to protect his loved ones. I know it's cheesy but I want to be like him when I'm older( although we're aren't that different age wise) but still. Even Mephisto who had joined seemed surprised at the power Ichigo held and was still growing in power! "So when can we start training Sensei?! I wanna be strong like you!" I saw Ichigo smirk before saying " Well after what I went through, those who wish for me to train them, know it will be a hellish experience to say the least. However you all have pretty strong Reiastu each of you at least 5th seat strength with Rin being more like a captain and Yukio's being a strong lieutenant. Hands up who wants me to train them?" Everyone put their hand up, Ichigo smiled and looked us all over "Rin and Yukio you will train with me as for everone else I'll see if I can bring some of my friends over to teach you some Kido for battle against demons as it has purifying powers so should kill demons too. Shiemi you'll be focusing on the healing Kido your Greenman should help you further to treat injuries, Bon and Izumo you'll be learning attacking Kido and Konohomaru and Shima defensive Kido." we all nodded in agreement as Ichigo went off presumably calling his friends to help with our training tomorrow.

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