Chapter 1- Mum wasn't dead?

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Ichigo was having the same nightmare he always had. It was the one about the day his mother died saving him from Grand Fisher, but this time his mother wasn't killed instead She killed Grand Fisher. She then turned around to face him "Ichigo, honey there's something I need to tell you, something I've never told your Father." Ichigo couldn't believe it! His own mother, the one he thought had died that terrible day was talking to him! "M-mum?? Is that really You? I thought you were killed?!" I practically screeched at her. "I'm sorry I've not been here to bring you up Ichigo, but this is something I was never able to tell you."

"I am a demon..." she began " but not just any demon I am the Co-ruler of Gehenna, the place where demons reside, on your trip to hell you only passed through 3 levels. Demons inhabitanting the lower ones." She paused so Ichigo could take it in."So I'm part demon? With Goat-face being a shinigami I'm not even partly human" he looked to see her mother looking extremely sad and apologetic. "No you are still part human, as a ruler of Gehenna I cannot inhabit anything without it going up in Black and red flames. I found a body near a shop and promptly got in. As it didn't go up in flames I began a new life" She smiled slightly as the memories came back to her and It only seemed like yesterday she had met Isshin. "I met your father and the rest is history, don't worry Yuzu and Karin aren't part demon you inherited all of the power.{at least their safe Ichigo thought to himself} On the day I 'died' my Artificial body was destroyed and I had to go back to Gehenna. I'm still sorry for leaving without saying goodbye" Ichigo smiled at her "well your fine and talking to me now". This assured her he should know the rest of his heritage.

She summoned Zangetsu in front of her in his Tensa Zangetsu form, he seemed to now have a sheath. "Ichigo unsheathe the Sword" his mother asked him. As Ichigo opened he noticed he was now covered in Black flames with a red outline, his ears became Elf-like and his Fangs lengthened giving him a Feral look, he then noticed he had a long Black tail with the end tuft being a dark crimson red. "WHAT THE HELL DID IT DO?!?!" He screeched, his mother looked at him, wondering if he noticed the pun he made. Mother side taking over she smiled at him knowingly, "simply sheath the Zangetsu " he did so and the flames died down, his Fangs and ears shortened but were still pointy. "The tail is there to stay so always keep it tucked".

"The final thing you need to know is that I've sent you to an academy to help you train your new powers and become an exorcist to kill demons". Ichigo nodded, a worried look coming across his face "what about my friends?" {my little Protector, always caring and protecting others, he became the person I always expected him to be- Maskaki} "Your friends will be fine dear, have a little faith in them" she smiled as she saw Tatsuki and wondered if she had changed at all. "Now I'm sorry for the suddenness but a relative will pick you up tomorrow after school, so you will have time to explain it all to your friends" Ichigo nodded, "can't you come visit us? Goat-face at least so he can stop hugging that photo of you on the wall!"

All of a sudden there was a sudden look of worry on Masaki's face" I have to go now, I've used all the power I can just see you." She walked up to her son and kissed him on the forehead, "Goodbye my little protector! Know that I love all of you so much, and your Father too". Ichigo began to tear up but pushed away those feelings knowing his mother would be safe, "No! Please don't go again!!" but the dream had started fading away. He was waking up. "MUM NO!!"

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