Chapter 4 - You again?

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Ichigo P.o.v
As I woke up i was surprised i didn't wake up to a flying drop kick, it's going to take a while to get used to. I got dressed tucking in my tail so as not to provoke the others to ask questions, I hated attention and sometimes (not often)wished I could have a normal life for one day where I wasn't about to die but I wouldn't have met some of my closest friends if I was normal.
I went to head for breakfast asking Ukobach to make me something quick, luckily he got my gist and just gave me toast and some orange, I thanked him and asked where the twins were. 'Yukio has to get to school early to prepare for class and Rin can NEVER get up in a morning' i was surprised to hear him reply let alone sound like a little kid. "I guess I should go wake him them." I sighed walking to his room, I stepped inside and it was soon clear whose side was whose with Yukio's being neat, organised and tidy. Unlike Rin's which looked like a garbage truck had dumped on it, underneath a load of manga I spotted his navy blue hair and yanked it. Hard. He practically flew to his bed trying to get changed muttering under his breath "Damn Mole-face why didn't he wake me?" I chuckled at this and went to warn Ukobach who'd already made a lunch for me and was making Rin's at the minute. I decided to give Rin 1 minute before I left, as I was about to leave I heard him come stomping to the kitchen muttering a quick thanks before dragging me out the door with him.

Rin P.o.v
I could barely sleep last night, I had a cousin !! Granted the hair colour was weird, but that just made him stand out from the crowd. It's not like our family tries to blend in, I wonder if he'll tell everyone or keep it a secret? He seems to be hiding something at the moment, though I can't put my finger on it. As we came toward class I unceremoniously dumped him on the floor leaving everyone staring at Ichigo wondering what he'd do next. I saw his scowl darken as he slowly turned around to glare at me, it was like he was staring my soul! In a voice that was scarier than any I'd heard before he said "NEVER do that again. I can walk by myself without your help" he continued glaring and everyone (including myself) we're scared senseless even Bon looked scared which took a lot. Ichigo then cleared his voice and in a much friendlier tone "Sorry about that he reminded me of of someone I knew at my old school, he never stopped mithering me though" he chucked nervously rubbing the back of his head. He still had his scowl but it looked natural on him "It's fine most people would react like that...maybe not as menacingly as that though". We were about to continue till Mole-face walked in and began the class, history AGAIN it's so friggin boring!!

TIMESKIP after lunch classes begin -Summons
Ichigo P.o.v
After the classes in the morning which were more than educational we had the practical part of the course. Summoning. Wondering what it is I asked Izumo what it is and she told me that it was bringing forth your inner power abd if your will wavered the summons would attack the summoned, I nodded wanting to see what my summon would be I'd looked in a one of the many books I'd been given and hoped I got a fighting summon rather than something like a Greenman as they seemed less useful on the front lines. The teacher - a weird guy wearing an eyepatch (reminding me of a certain battle maniac captain) gave me a small piece of paper with some pattern drawn on it he told me to wipe some blood on it and call whatever comes to mind. I cleared my mind wiped the blood tests n the paper and cried "Savage them all, the demon inside me!" Everyone gave me weird looks wondering what I meant, all I did was say what came to mind. A flash of a bright white light brought a pure white being with black and gold eyes appeared in front of me, it was my hollow! "I thought I beat you enough so you'd never bother me again?!" I growled at him earning worried looks from everyone and earning a laugh from the hollow "My guess is as good as yours Kingy I was resting in the mindscape, when I heard you call some weird phrase. Some weird light engulfed me and here I am now. Oh and can you give me a name? I'm sick of being called 'it' or 'hollow' i do have feelings ya know?" I just looked at him wide-eyed wondering just when did my hollow have feelings other than blood-lust. I saw the teacher quickly edge out the room hopefully to go get backup in case he went mental. "How about Shiro?" he gave me a blank look "White? Really? Ingenious King" he deadpanned. I shrugged "It's either that or Hichigo" he looked absolutely horrified at that possibility and sighed "Fine, Shiro it is. Do you know what I can do out here? Shikai? Bankai? Hell even a cero?!" I shrugged honestly not knowing what could happen if he tried any of then. We both looked around to see everybody but Rin was backed into a corner looked scared out of their mind at the sight of Ichigo and his seemingly demonic twin. "I'm sending you back in now, I'll tell you if I find anything else out about what you can and can't do" Shiro nodded and vanishes in a flash as I tear the Summoning paper. The others slowly relaxed "Guys it's fine, he wasn't gonna hurt you. I wouldn't have let him" this slowly calmed them down even Konohomaru(sorry if it's wrong I can never spell it right). "How did you know your summon all ready? What's a Shikai, Bankai and cero?" asked Rin, I sighed knowing I'd have to tell them some sort of truth. "Wait until everyone is here, especially Mephisto oh and Yukio too" and with that we all just sat in silence no one knowing what to say. It was the pinnacle of awkwardness, how to explain it...

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