Chapter 2- leaving friends behind

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Rin- P.o.v
Arrgh this class is so boring!! I think it's time for a nap, but just as I was about to something perked me up. We were talking about Satan"Izumo what can you tell me about the ruler of Gehenna, Satan?" my twin Yukio( otherwise know as Mole-face) asked. As usual Izumo gave the appropriate answer, however my brother corrected her by saying "There is not only 1 ruler of Gehenna, Satan rules with his twin sister most commonly called Masaki, like Satan she cannot inhabit a body and she is much less ruthless than her twin so she was never often." Everyone in the class gasped at this news but I immediately blurted out " What colour were her Flames?? Were they the same as Satan's!? " Mole-face gave me a death glare but still answered my question saying "Not much is known about her as she doesn't travel to Assiah very often as she doesn't like to create trouble. Though we do know from various sources that she either has similar flames to her twin but most sources said her flames were Pitch Black with a crimson edge." I immediately thought about how badass I'd look with black and red flames, I'd be so perfect for the Paladin and nobody would ever doubt me again!! But no. I got stuck with the bright blue flames that EVERYONE knows about and is scared of. Wait doesn't that mean I'm might have some half-brothers? "Before class is dismissed I need to inform you that we have a new student joining us tomorrow I hope you make him feel welcome. Class dismissed " As Mole-face waved us out of the class I immediately asked everyone if they knew anything about the newbie. All I got was the word 'Orange' so what did that mean? Oh well I'd find out tomorrow.

Ichigo P.o.v
"IIIIIICCCHHIIIIIGOOOOOOO!! " but before Goat-face could reach me he was out the window. "THAT IS NOT HOW YOU WAKE UP YOUR SON IN A MORNING" I yelled at him. Was all of it a dream? It felt like Mum was really there.As I went to go brush my teeth, I nearly screamed when I realised I still had my pointy ears(but less pointy to the fact I can hide them behind my ears), My teeth were still sharp so I'd have to be careful when talking so nobody would notice. As I turned around I noticed I still had my tail swishing side to side, how in God's name am i going to hide that? I guess strap it to my back, though uncomfortable it'd have to do. As I finished getting dressed I heard Yuzu call me for breakfast "Coming!" I shouted back. "Morning Ichi-nii " Yuzu greeted as she placed my pancakes on the table. All I got from Karin was a grumble she really isn't a morning person. Before dad regained consciousness I quickly left shouting a bye to Yuzu, as I turned the corner I met Orihime "Wanna walk to school together?" as I said this a fearesome blush crept up Orihime's that was impossible to hide and she nodded. As we reached school we met Chad and Tatsuki, Orihime greeted them both "Morning Tatsuki-chan morning Chad-kun!" Chad grunted in greeting and Tatsuki said morning back to her. "Guys I've got something important to tell you at lunch, don't ask about it now I'll explain it at lunch " They each gave me a questioning look but didn't ask anything about it.

Timeskip---Lunch on the roof
Everyone was here even Uryuu which surprised me "So what's the extremely important thing we need to know?" he joked not taking it seriously. I glared at him to shut it and explained it all the them, Mum being a demon, the new school everything. After I finished explaining there was a few minutes silence before Tatsuki exploded in anger "YOU COULD'VE TOLD US SOONER YOU MORON! AND I WANT PROOF YOUR PART DEMON!!" Orihime calmed her friend down but one look at my friends and I showed them my ears, teeth and tail...there was another few minutes of silence before Orihime Asked " Can i feel your tail? " I nodded and stilled my swishing tail, as Orihime stroked it she visibly brightened and gushed to Tatsuki " Tatsuki-chan feel it! It's so soft and fluffy I could stroke it all day!" Tatsuki looked at me for permission I nodded and she began stroking it too gasping at the silkiness of it. Unknowingly I started wagging my new appendage and started sighing in content at this the others all laughed at me. A furious blush of embarrassment on my face I quickly strapped my tail back up. " Is that enough proof Tatsuki?" She nodded then Uryuu spoke up "Why are you even going to this Academy you could just stay here and learn to control them" I gave him my best death glare and he actually looked afraid before regaining his composure " Firstl: it's none of your business, Second: my Mum wanted me to go so I'm going to and finally I don't exactly want to be set on fire every time I use Zangetsu! " I spat at him. Uryuu squeaked and mumbled something about his sewing club. " When do you leave Kurosaki-kun? " I gave her an apologetic look "Tonight after school, so I'll say goodbye now as I don't have classes with you guys for the rest of the Day. "I'll watch out for them whilst your gone" Chad spoke in his monotone voice, I nodded my thanks. Orihime tried to say goodbye hut nobody could really hear her as she was breaking down in tears. Tatsuki comforted her best friend and glaring at me saying "You had BETTER cone back Strawberry " with the look she was giving me I nodded knowing she may kill me if I said otherwise. We sat in silence until the end of lunch, it being to awkward to talk to each other.

Timeskip---Ichigo arriving home
"IIIIIICCCHHIIIIIGOOOOOOO " at this I chucked Goat-face at this Wall knocking him unconscious for a while. "Yuzu, Karin can you come here I've got something to tell you both, Goat-face is unconscious for now so he shouldn't bother us...I'm transferring to another school, an Academy in fact because my grades are that good, Unfortunately I'm leaving tonight at 5-ish, so after tea." As I finished they both gave me surprised looks before Yuzu looked ready to cry "Don't cry Yuzu I'll send you letters every week and if I can ill even getvyou some new recipes to try whilst I'm away" Karin knew what I was doing, I was bribing my own little sister but Yuzu never realised. Yuzu brightened at hearing this and practically shoved me out of the door, chuckling at my sister I dug my heels in the floor and reminded her " I'm leaving after tea and still need to do some packing" Yuzu realised this and sped off to make my favourite meal(Curry) and I ask Karin to tell Goat-face about if he wakes up. As I reach my bedroom I then have to dodge a flying kick from Kon, I punch him in the ground even though I know the kick wouldn't hurt as he's in his toy form. "Kon!! I need you to keep an eye out for the twins whilst I'm my new school okay?" Kon nodded not wanting to be ground into the floor again. "Aren't you gonna tell Rukia-neesan? She'll kill you if she doesn't know" I pondered this and just shrugged saying "Like she'll know where I'm going, anyway I'm gonna start packing so go play I'm Yuzu and Karin's room" I sighed once I finished packing dragging my small case downstairs and with Goat-face about to tackle me again I hit him with it. "THAT IS NOT HOW YOU SAY BYE TO YOUR SON!!" again I knocked Goat-face out. We all just ignored him and ate the curry together in silence, Yuzu sending worried glances to the unconscious Goat-face. As I finished washing up for Yuzu she looked ready to burst into tears if sadness or joy(I hoped it was sadness for her big brother leaving, not the fact I was going to get new recipes for her to try out) "Don't worry I'll write when I can okay? And some new recipes!" Yuzu nodded and stood up straight saying "Don't forget the recipes!" I sighed but nodded. All Karin said was " Keep out of trouble !" At this I almost growled at her in offence. Me get in trouble? Ever. I attracted trouble, drawn to me but I was used to it, it was exciting. I exited the house drowning out Goat-face and his ranting, telling me to always use protection and bring home another daughter. Won't he ever learn? As I turned the corner to the train station I saw a limo. Not just any limo a bright PINK limo. But the guy who got out of looked even weirder(Think pink like a tutu and a purple beard could he look more suspicious?) I tried to edge around hoping and praying he wasnt waiting for me, but he saw me. I tried to ignore him but he walked up to me and started taking in Germany of all things, but seeing my face quickly changed into japanese "Gutentag my little nephew, I am your uncle Mephisto Pheles and academy director" I gave him a skeptical look before asking him " How are we in any way related?" he looked at me before continuing "I am your mother's brothers son, and your younger than me. My other name is Samael Demon King of Time" Ge laughed at my surprised look and we both got in the limo. It was even pink inside!! He has an unhealthy obsession with pink I concluded. "Ichigo go to sleep I will wake you when we are near the academy." I complied and secretly hoped to see Mum again.

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