Chapter 3- introductions

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Ichigo P.o.v
"Nephew wake u-" but before he finished I kicked him to the other side if the limo he groaned. I immediately snapped awake realising what I did. "Damn Goat-face, sorry my Dad woke me up every morning Tring to drop kick me. They're natural reflexes" I apologised vowing to kill Goat-face when I got home. "Remind me never to wake you up without being a few metres Away" he joked rubbing his jaw, I forget my own strength sometimes, gotta be more careful I reminded myself. "Anyways now your awake look out the window and you'll see the academy" I did so and was amazed it was more like a city than a school. It looked like the main school and dorms were at the top of the hill/mountain surrounded by a village maybe? Still it made the Sereitei look small which is a pretty hard thing to do. "You may want to get changed now you'll be starting the exorcist cram school today and normal classes tomorrow. Can you summon your demon sword?" I nodded and imagined Zangetsu in my mind and he appeared on my back in his usual place. "Good keep it summoned at all times you'll never know when you need it. In your class you will have 2 half brothers, their Father is Satan, but only the older one Rin got the flames, your main teacher will be Rin's younger twin Yukio. I leave it up to you to decide if you want to tell them or keep it a secret." As he finished I started getting changed thinking about what Rin would be like, moody maybe? Aggressive is more than likely, but he is more than likely friendly.

Timeskip---Ichigo has arrived at True Cross, has been given his set of keys and is waiting to be introduced to the class
Rin P.o.v
I couldn't wait! I could barely sleep last night wondering what the transfer would be like. What did Orange mean? I was about to find out. "Class I'd like to introduce the new transfer student. Come on in Kurosaki". The class went silent, wanting to see what the transfer looked like. As he walked in the first thing I thought was, God he's tall and second; is that his real hair colour? " My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, first of all my name does NOT mean strawberry it means 'One who protects' and secondly yes this is my real hair colour." At this the class looked surprised even Mole-face at the fact his hair was naturally that Orange. I also noticed he had a HUGE blade sat on his back in a huge sheath. "Why have you got such a big blade? Can you even pick it up?" Bon scoffed asking what we all wanted to ask. "For starters yes I can pick up Zangetsu and you DON'T want to battle me with him in a fight l, Secondly it's that big because it needs to do q lot of damage very  quickly". This shut Bon up and he turned to Mole-face and asked " Where do I sit?" my brother looked surprised for a minute regained his composure and said "By Rin".  Ichigo nodded and did so the whole class looking at him and wondering why is he not afraid of Rin. Noticing this he turned to me and asked "Why the fuss about me sitting nex to you?" I looked down and said "Don't you know I'm the son of Satan?" he nodded "So what you don't seem like a bad Person" I was surprised by his reply and he went silent.

Timeskip---Last lesson
Mole-face continued the lessons Constantly glancing at Ichigo as though he was gonna do something. The bell went for the end of the last lesson (we had a whole day with Mole-face yippee!! Not.) Ichigo looked ready to drop. As the lesson finished he was immediately asked a ton of questions from " Where do you live?" to things like "Have you got a girlfriend?" Ichigo snapped after a few minutes and stormed away to his dorm. I sighed I went to everyone, "You asked him too many questions, too quickly one of them must of struck a nerve I think it was the question about his Mum. Be careful next time." They all realised what they'd done and, as always Shiemi overeacted mumbling all the way home " what of he hates me now? How do I make it up to him?" we parted ways and as I neared my dorm I came across a very lost looking Ichigo. "Need some help finding your dorm?" I asked he nodded and gave him the number of his dorm and room, it took me awhile to realise his room was opposite mine, I thought I was considered dangerous? Ah well at least I won't be stuck with Yukio all the time, maybe he's into manga too?

As we arrived at the dorm I showed Ichigo to his room and told him dinner was at 5. Rather than doing homework I went to the kitchen to help Ukobach cooking dinner, I was making my favourite stew with potatoes on the side. I still hadn't heard Mole-face back but he could warm it up later. I then went and knocked on Ichigo's door to let him know dinner was ready, when he didn't reply I panicked and charged the door only to see Ichigo with a tail like mine, but with a different tuft on the end (dark crimson).  I just stood there eyes as big as plates staring at him, he looked momentarily surprised at what I had done but soon put his scowl back on. "Couldn't you hear me? I said I was coming" his scowl getting deeper (if possible) as he looked at me. "So are you Satan's son too?" I couldn't help it what if I had more family? A friendlier brother I have something in common with? He sighed, "Not quite but close wait until your brothers back and I'll tell you both, no point in repeating myself again" I drooped but nodded slowly walking out of the room, Ichigo (now dressed) following behind me. Ukobach had dinner and Mole-face was sat waiting for us, who knows how long he was waiting. I ate dinner as quick as possible, I needed answers and now. Ichigo had a surprised look on his face "Who made this its nearly as good as Yuzu's!" I smirked, glanced at Ukobach and almost gloated "It was me and Ukobach, if you're wondering Ukobach is a stove demon, is Mephisto's familiar and an epic cook!" he looked at me questioningly and smiled "I bet you and Yuzu would have got on well, maybe you could swap recipes? I did promise her that much." I nodded smiling happily, finally someone who loves cooking as I do! After Ichigo put the dishes in the wash, I just had to ask "so who's your demon parent? Is it Satan? How long have you know? Have you got your powers Sealed in a sword too?!?" Ichigo loudly sighed and Mole-face smirked he knew what I was like with new people, though gh he looked surprised at the revelation of Ichigo.  "You know how Satan had a twin sister who ruled Gehenna with him?" both me and Yukio nodded "Well I'm her son, and I've only known for all of 2 days." This time both mine and Yukio's eyes were the size of plates at how calm he was about this as though he's grown up with it his whole life. After about 2 minutes of us both standing there mouth agape and breathing showing signs of slowing down. "Are your powers Sealed inside a sword like Rin's?" Yukio asked, he nodded and Ichigo continued "My sword is similar to Rin's in that it seals my powers but I've looks a bit different." Ichigo summons his demon sword(sheathed, duh), I look in awe at how cool and savage his sword looked, he stood up moved toward the window and unsheathe his sword, his Tail came out of his trousers, fangs and ears fully pointed and Fangs sharp. But the most unusual thing was the fact his flames were black with a crimson edge around the side. "Will you fight ne tomorrow, swords only? " He nodded, had a worried face for a moment before saying "Should I tell the others about it or is it better to keep it a secret and tuck my tail?" I looked to him and sighed "it's up to you, your mum has a better reputation than Satan." He nodded and went up to his room, probably tired out from his first day.
"Well tomorrow will be interesting " Yukio said with a disapproving expression. I nodded and tried to get some sleep.

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