Chapter Two: Automated Carriages

Start from the beginning

"I-I see. Please, bring me to the sitting area where I can take some air and regain my bearings."

Varian held out his arm, and seeing him wobble slightly, Hugo quickly took it and led him to the couch where he sat. "You know, we should probably get you to the clinic before it closes if you want your cure tonight."

"Yes. That. I am a bit at a loss for words at the moment." He fanned himself with his hand. "We are really in the future? Well, that is a rhetorical question. I can see with my own eyes that things are odd here, but oh dear, what an excitement my heart is having. What are those odd sounds banging inside the walls and why are the lights so achingly bright? Mercy above." He had a hand over his heart, his lungs heaving as he closed his eyes.

"Woah, woah, you're okay." Hugo was kneeling in front of him now, placing a hand on his shoulder. "That's just the AC and my apartment's electricity. It'll be alright. This will all take some time to get used to. Just breathe..."

Varian did as he was told, his chest filling with air. He held it there for a moment then exhaled slowly. "Heavens..."

"That's it. Deep breaths."

Blue eyes opened and found his green ones. "What calamity... How do you stand it? The weight of it all?"

"You get used to it. Don't worry. I also panicked when I first jumped through time." 

He searched his face. "I still do not trust you but... thank you for your compassion."

Hugo considered the soft features and softer expression then spotted the sweat on his brow and the abnormally pale complexion. "We should get going. You're really not looking great."

"I do not look great?" His eyes somehow filled with more anxiety than before. "Maker, do you find me unsightly?"

"What, no! You look stunning." Varian gave a silent sigh of relief, and Hugo cleared his throat slightly. "You're just sick, but if we leave now, we can get you into the clinic so you can start feeling better."

"Yes, I do think that would be best. If I think much longer on the implications of where I am, I believe I may go mad." He shook his head slightly. "What is this cure? Is it painful? Please tell me it is not more leeches..."

"No. No leeches. You'll need to be diagnosed by a doctor, so I can't say for sure the treatment, but I know for a fact: No. Leeches."

He hummed in relief. "That is good to hear. Make haste then. Pull around the carriage and I'll be off to my remedy soon enough and then we can go our separate ways."

"Yeah, let me grab my keys and I'll pull up the 'carriage' for you, Your Highness."

"Do not tarry, and do not double cross me for I am a formidable foe." He pointed a warning finger at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Just... don't touch anything while I'm gone, okay? In fact, for your health, why don't you just lie down." 

"I may do just that."

Grabbing the keys off the hook by the door, he quickly left through the front door, but not before glancing back and seeing Varian laying on his back on the couch while fanning himself again. 

Exhaling, Hugo walked out of the ground floor apartments to the parking lot. His beat-up old clunker of a car was clear on the other side, and the freezing outdoors wasn't helping anything. 

On this cold walk, everything was really beginning to set in. A 16th century prince was in his apartment, and he was about to take him out in public where the man would probably lose his fucking mind. Not to mention, after the doctor's visit, he'd then have to deal with the prince until he could return him to his time period, which wouldn't be for three months when the golden chest recharged.

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