star crossed players

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i stand up from the table having finished my pancakes and placing the dish in the sink. i pick up the newspaper and i decide to re-read the article about Kai. soon enough, i feel a hand on my shoulder forces me to turn around. 

"you're seriously a bitch, but you already know that, don't you?" his hand wraps around my throat closing off my airway, you can tell he popped in a mint gum before he decided it's only right for me to die, again. i don't struggle, knowing what comes after i die, soothes me.

"this hell is only a sick game and we are the star players," i choke on my words, before he snaps my neck.


i wake up feeling empty; my magic is gone. me without magic is like oreos without filling; i am merely a shell, a ready-to-crumble shell. the ropes around my wrists are tighter than last time,"son of a bitch." my body aches in pain. 

"jump.jump.jump.jump." i repeat the words that made me fall from the eiffel tower. in the moments i was in free fall, i felt bliss. true and utter freedom. nothing like this in the world could make me feel like this. my magic was something completely different, something of the same nature but entirely different. saying that i was disappointed after waking up from the fall is a understatement. i was everything and nothing. i just wanted to be relieved. 

he bends down to be face to face with me, "i know the feeling." he digs in his hoodie pocket to pull out a piece of gum. "for you." i open my mouth for him to pop it in and he does just that. calling him bipolar is an understatement as well. 

"You should really ask before you take someone's magic. it truly impolite." Kai ignores me as he digs in a drawer for something. the musty smell makes my nose cringe, looking around i realise we are in a cellar. 

"we are gonna play a game, if you will." he pulls out a gun, i groan. 

"this game could literally go on forever." 

"this all could've been avoided if you didn't kill me earlier." 

"russian roulette?" i scoff, "you're such a cliche." he was, Kai is such a predictable killer. he's like the main villain who always ends up defeated because he was so transparent.  

"guessing you know the rules," he takes out all the bullets and placing only one inside then spinning the holder, "lets get started."he straightens his posture, pointing the gun and shooting me in the heart. My eyes widen in shock and adrenaline, i can feel my chest fill with unnecessary amount of blood before it begins to rise; "it's truly an irreplaceable feeling, isn't it?" I know he was talking about killing not dying. I spit out some of the blood but its keeps coming; the world fades to darkness.


I wake up to light tiny slaps to my face,"karma.. karma... Karma.." My eyes open; waking up from dying is always the hardest thing, i am beginning to feel worse and worse every time."first question, when did you get here?" and of course, there is zero time to recover.

"why do you care?"i spit, he shakes his head whilst sighing; notifying me that's not the answer he wanted to hear. he hits me in the face unexpectedly, making me quickly inhale.

"ooh, that's going to leave a mark if i don't kill you first." his eyes widen at the expense of me dying. "times up." he pulls the trigger, the clicking causing me to close me eyes to prepare myself; but nothing happens. i open my eyes, "that's too bad. i suggest you tell me; when did you get here?" he practically growls at me. being my shell of a self, i break.

"May 10th, 1994." the look in face is unreadable, but it's clearly different from what it was before.

"desiderium," his eyebrows furrow, the coldness in his eyes melt. him knowing my coven only meant one thing.

"you're a gemini."

i watched as mom yelled into the land line to this guy named joshua, i never really knew why we were close with the other coven. all i know is we are linked. not in the way you think-not blood related- but spiritually. we share a bond. at one point i asked about it, and the response she gave me was "the gemini helped us in a way we cannot repay them, we owe them everything" she smiled, fixing the way my dress fit on my body. "one day you will meet them, and you'll understand what you must do to show them you're grateful." i asked her how'd i know, "it's a feeling. you will just know."

The sudden realisation clicks in both of us;we stare blankly at each other trying to figure out what this means for us. everything becomes an echo in my head making this seem unreal. i hope i'm still dead. Kai looks as if he's going to throw up, "game's over."

"How do we get out?" 

"We can't. you're not a bennett witch!"he screams, you can hear the frustration in his voice. his breathing is heavy, a glossy redness in his eyes become visible; this makes his breathing slow down, and his features soften."the one thing i wanna do, i can't. not with you." Kai's voice cracks under his words, telling me i need to find out what happened between our covens.  

"You can't blame me for this." i state, making sure he isn't. if he does our eternity together will be resumed in silence. he points the gun to my head, closing my eyes and awaiting for another death to come. which it did.

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