First interaction

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"you're a massive dick.." i wake up from a groggy state, "you could've just said hi.." The pounding in my head leaves as i become more aware of what's happening.

"hi, im kai." He crouches right in front of me,-too close for my liking- my magic swells inside, making my body itch and i can feel the spark becoming stronger and ready to be set to flame. I stare into his ice grey eyes, they screamed with insanity. "You are?..." He gently slides his knuckles over my cheek in admiration?

"Karma" i shift in my seat, making him drop his hand and snap back into reality; "Who'd you kill?" His face returns back to bitch resting face. Theres no way he can end up in this hell on accident, nobody would want to be here. especially when there is people like me, in here.

"Long story for another day." He walks to the other side of the room where a small bar resides.

"Who says i'm staying here with you?" I roll my eyes at his expectations, focusing my attention to the ropes around my wrists, "incendia.." i whisper to myself, letting the ropes burn to a crisp. i stand up to stretch out a bit, noticing kai watching me intently.

"I did." he lifts an empty glass, "want a drink?" Kai smiles flirtatiously-or murderously? The looks are quite similar, if you ever take time to notice to look you will see the same burn of passion-or desire. Either way, it suits him nicely.

I don't respond, letting him pour me one; "why'd you crash that plane?" Making small talk has never been my thing, i've always been very blunt- straight to the point about everything ever.

"So many questions." kai rolled his eyes. he extends the drink towards me, i take it gratefully-flashing a quick smile before focusing on swallowing most of it.

"Modus," he drops his glass in the process of being pinned against the wall. i swallow down the other half of my drink, "you really Shouldn't have given me a drink, i'm an alcoholic." i can feel the smirk spread across my face. His eyebrows furrow in confusion, his icy eyes become softer toning itself into light blue.

"You cant kill me, i mean you can but i'm gonna come back to life so whats the point?" his smile reaches his eyes making them sparkle. he continues,"my coven doesn't want me to cut my prison life short or something." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"You have magic?" I scoff, he doesn't seem the type.

"I was born without magic." There was no reason why i had to hold him up any longer, he was clearly not a threat. i shouldn't waste my energy on him, there is better things to use it for..

"How sad." I reply monotonously, beginning to walk away. kai turned me around and grabbed ahold of my wrists, i looked at him in confusion before i felt the agonizing pain. I felt as if everything physically inside me was being pulled out and in towards kai. "what the hell?" I whimper, i sound pathetic- i know i am stronger than this. "what'd you do to me?" I look at him in disgust. for the first time in forever, i am terrified. i don't know how to hide the fear and cover it with my usual amount of strength and independence. there is no way i can protect myself from this. I cant keep him from taking that part of me away.

"you're smart, i think you can figure it out" he grinned from ear to ear, goosebumps spread across my skin. i begin to back away in complete shock of what i've become. my worst nightmare is coming true. "believe it or not, i'm grateful you're here."

I have to remember who i am, "i bet you are" i spit. i am fearless, savage murderer, who likes the feeling of killing. so thats what im gonna do.

Immediately i respond, grabbing the bottle of bourbon and smashing the end against the desk and holding the sharp edges to kai's throat- pinning Kai to the wall with my free hand.

"I think you forgot im the one with the magic." i waste no time and attempting to slice his throat- as i cut; he healed. His smile grows as my heart sinks. "headstrong, is a good quality until this happens." he pushes me off of him, "your only option left is to run."

I stumble over my feet, looking-then running for the nearest exit. once i open the door, i race to the next door, then the next. i realise that im running through the same exact room over and over.. he is in my head. i look around trying to find another way, before he- "are you giving up?" His voice echoes through these unholy walls. I cant give up, i run through the door once more- if this is my head there will be an exit.

Running more made it clear, this isnt my head. theres no exit. opening more and more doors faltered with my hope and soon i had to come to terms, im not getting out. "You win, Kai! please, i cant live like this." i fall to my knees, breaking down in sobs. ive never felt so useless, so worthless, so pathetic, so weak in my life. "ka-ai," i hiccup out his name but theres no response. He left me in here, a prison within a prison. i wanted to laugh, but it just ended in more sobs.

My mind wanders, is this what my family felt like? Were they scared of me? Is this why the locked me away? Because i was batshit crazy, and actually liked doing this to innocent people?

"Thank you for cooperating," my eyes blur over making it hard to see anything but i can see Kai's figure, i blink more easing my way back into clarity. "I knew you'd break eventually."

I sit in the middle of the flooring, "i've mever met someone so ruthless, other than myself.." my lips stay slightly parted- im still in shock. ive never been so destroyed.

"Should i be taking that as an insult?" Kai's smile never leaves, does it? I stand up in anger.

"You filthy son of a bitch," i grit my teeth- before i could hit him, he duplicates. my fist going right through the air. his duplicated self a bit farther away, running- then stumbling because i am, again hitting air. My mouth drops, "why do you keep doing this?!" I yell in frustration, but i know it sounds more like im 5 and about to throw a temper tantrum. I take a few steps back, trying to get all of the Kais in view. So many-

I back into the wall, my hand bumping into something. relief washes over me as i realise its the door. my face mustve set off a alarm, Kai's face falls. before Kai could think to duplicate im out the door and onto the streets of DC.

broken halos {kai parker}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat