The mysterious pipe

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Downtown, construction workers investigate the flooding as Mario Luigi and Sophia arrive.

One worker attempts to hold a manhole cover over the leak, but is sent shooting upward by the spray.

"I got this" he shrieks.

" They ain't even lookin' in the right place. C'mon, guys"

Mario finds another manhole cover, he and Sophia lifts it up with a crowbar, The water drains into the open manhole.

"You are not seriously considering--"

Mario jumps into the draining water.

"Mario!" cries out, laughs nervously.

"Come on Luigi" Sophia jumps in.

"Sophia!" He breathes in screams and coughs.

"We gotta get to that pressure valve!"

"Mamma mia!"

"Hang on tight Sophia" Mario said as he holds her hand, then the three of them came crashing into a wall.

"I knew saving Brooklyn was a bad idea"

"Come on" Mario and Sophia helped Luigi's up.

"Whoa" they see a strange place

"What is this place?"

"Come on let's go check it out" Sophia ran.

"Sophia wait?!" They chased her.

"Looks like nobody's been down here for years"

"Uh Mario? Where did Sophia go?" Luigi asked.

"Huh?" He flashed his light to see she was gone.

"Sophia? Sophia?" He turns around to find Luigi's gone too.

" Luigi? Sophia?"

Then he sees a mysterious pipe, "Luigi Sophia, are you in there?"

Then suddenly he gets pulled in, "What?" He traveled through the strange pipe.

"Wow!" Then he sees Luigi, "Luigi!"

"Mario!" He heads down to grab him, "Gimme your hand!" They both grabbed their hands and spin around, "It's all gonna be okay!"

" How is this gonna be okay?!"

"I'm telling you! Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!" Mario and Luigi smiles at each other.

But just then they heard Sophia screaming, "MARIO, LUIGI!"

"SOPHIA!" they both screamed.

"Hold on Luigi" Mario said as he dives down to each other for her, luging grabs his back.

"Grab my hand Sophia" thru slowly reach other fir each other's hand but then....

"Mariooo!" Sophia cries out as she gets separated from them, she gets sent to a different pipe.

"SOPHIA!" Mario and Luigi screams her name before they get sent to a another pipe.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE (REMASTERED)Where stories live. Discover now