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Song Recommendation: Right Here by Chase Atlantic
Third Person POV

It was finally the day. The day Aiden was going to tell his family about Aru.

Earlier that month, Aru and Aiden had finally talked it out and decided that they had to tell their family about their relationship. They both wanted a future together and the only way to do that was to make their relationship public.

I mean Aiden had proposed to her. They kinda had to make it public.

Aiden closed his eyes and thought back to that day, God it was perfect, she is perfect.

The couple walked along the beach at dusk. The moon had given a silver glow and the sound of waves accompanied the beating of their hearts.

Aiden had led Aru to a silhouette of a heart made of candles with lily petals scattered around it. Pink LED lights had been burried around the heart, giving it a pink glow.

"Aiden? What is this?" Aru had asked.

Raindrops started falling from the sky, putting out all the candles and creating a rainbow from the pink light.

"Aru, I love you so much. You're the moon to my sun, the fate I would choose in any lifetime.  I think about you when I wake up and when I fal asleep."  Aiden said, getting down on one knee.

"I would do anything for you,  If that's getting the moon, capturing all the stars, burning down the world or even just getting groceries, consider it done."

"I love you, Arundhati Shah. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! A million times yes!" Aru knelt to the ground with him and kissed him. "God, yes!"

"Look at us, Kissing in the rain." Aiden said as they pulled apart. "Just like you've always wanted."

Aiden opened his eyes and saw them looking at him. 

By them, he meant Brynne, Rohan and his mom; Rudy was away at fashion school and Aiden didn't want him here, Jim in case anything got ugly.

Aiden had called an emergency family meeting which now lead everyone to be sitting at the kitchen table. Staring at him.

"So? What happened, Aiden? Why call a family meeting?" Malini asked, concerned.

"Yeah, what trouble did you get yourself into now?" Brynne joked

"I, uh." Aiden stuttered

"Frozen. Like a deer in headlights. What has happened to the mighty Aiden of Kaali?" Rohan teased making himself and Brynne laugh.

"Guys stop that! He's clearly stressed about something and that is not helping!" Malini scolded

"Sorry Mom."

"Aiden? Are you okay?"

"I'm dating someone!" Aiden blurred out. Realizing what he did, he clamped his hands on his mouth.

"Well that's great honey! What's her name?" Malini asked, clapping his hands together as she smiled.

"Aru. It's Aru-" Aiden said before being cut off by his family.

"Aru? That's great! She seems like a lovely girl!" Malini exclaimed

"I f*cking knew it! You fell for her as soon as you met her!" Brynne shouted

"Wow! Look at you! I'm so happy for you guys!" Rohan cheered

"Aru. It's Aru Shah. As in, Arundhati 'Tara' Shah."  Aiden finished

"Tara!? Tara as in the Tara that tried to kill you?" Rohan yelled

"Shah?! Like the Dushman gang Shah?" Brynne exclaimed

"You're serious?" Malini asked

"Yes, that Aru Shah." Auden said, he had expected these reactions.

"You're dating her?"

"Yeah, I love her. I, uh, actually proposed." Aiden replied


"I love her! We've been dating for over a year and we've cleared all the bad history between us!" Aiden tried to explain

"Bad history? Bad history? She tried to kill you! She stole our gold!" Rohan exclaimed

"Aiden this is a joke, right? Right?" Brynne asked

Malini was deathly silent.

"Mom? Are you going to say anything?" Aiden asked

"You love her?"

"Are you crazy Mom?" Brynne exploded

"Yeah! You can't possibly let him marry her!" Rohan protested

"Shush, let him answer the question." Malini said

"What?" Aiden asked, confused by the question

"Do you love her?" Malini repeated

"Yes. With all of my heart."

"And you made up for what she did to you, to us? Did she even have a valid reason? Why did she do it? Does she have any other motives? Is she playing you again?" Malini interrogated

"Yes. We worked it out. Her father was making her do it. He's been emotionally abusing her ever since she was thirteen, she thought she had to do it; in fear of what he may do to her mom and sisters. She doesn't have any other motives. She loves me as I love her. She's not playing me." Aiden replied

"What have you done with her? When have you seen her?"

"What have I done with her?" Aiden asked

"What milestones have you guys experienced? I want to know how serious she is about this."

"Um,  I met her grandmother. And her brother. I was wh her when her grandmother died and went to the funeral. I proposed to her and we just celebrated our eighteenth month anniversary. I've seen her every day. We go on drives, we go to the gym. We've gone to London, New York, Paris, Athens, Rome. We love each other."

"What did she say she was going to do if we didn't accept her?"

"She said that she would fight for our love. That she would not runaway. That she would win your guys over. She said she would runaway with me if her family didn't accept her."

"And you truly trust her?" Malini asked

"I trust her with my life."

"Okay, fine. I accept this."

"Really?" Aiden, Brynne and Rohan exclaimed - all with different emotions.

"On two conditions. One, I have to meet her properly. And two, we family and our family help plan the wedding. We form a truce with the gangs. For you, my son." Malini replied

"It's cool with me too, I'm glad you found someone Aiden." Brynne said, smiling.

"Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!" Aiden got up and hugged his mom tight.

"What! She tried to kill him!" Rohan protested

"Rohan Aditya Singh! They have my blessing, I know you're trying to protect your brother but if he has forgiven Aru and trusts her then I trust her. You should as well." Malini said sharply.

"Sorry it's just I don't want you to get hurt Aiden. Do you promise you trust her with everything you have?" Rohan asked

"I promise. I love her, Bhaiya." Aiden replied

"Then it's fine with me too, congratulations Aiden!" Rohan exclaimed.

"I'm glad you guys were so accepting, I just hope Aru is doing okay as well."


Hope you enjoyed! I know it's a shorter chapter but the next one is going to be a long one!

~ Riya

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