
493 6 41

Song Recommendation: Softcore by the Neighbourhood

Sofia, Bulgaria, 19 years ago

Third Person POV
Suyodhana and Krithika played with the two year old daughter, Kara. Kiran, Suyodhana's mom sat by the small family watching the a smile as her son and daughter-in-law play with her first granddaughter.

"Mama! Dada!" Kara squealed happily as her parents played peek-a-boo with her making the happy parents laugh.

Krithika's smile faded when she realized she had to confess something to her husband.

"Why don't you go play with your Nani, sweetheart." Krithika said to her daughter.

"Nani!!" Kara said as Kiran walked over and picked up her granddaughter and walked away.

"Suyodhana, I have to tell you something." Krithika said as she smoothed out the picnic blanket and fiddled with a grass blade.

Suyodhana held his wife's hand as he looked at her with concerned eyes. "Are you alright, Kri?"

"I, um..." Krithika trailed off, unsure of how to voice her thoughts.

"K, you're really starting to worry me. Are you okay?" Suyodhana asked

"I'm pregnant!" She bursted out before she gasped and covered her mouth.

"Sh*t, that's not how I feel wanted to say that.  Oh god, I'm so sorry Dhana. I had this all planned out but then I-" Suyodhana cut off his wife by kissing her.

"We're having another baby?" He asked

"We're having another baby." Krithika confirmed, a smile on her face.

"We're having another baby!" Suyodhana exclaimed, grabbing his wife and kissing her

Krithika laughed and hugged Suyodhana, "Kara gonna be a big sister!" Krithika whispered happily, careful not to say it too loud.

"This is great! And Sofia is safe too! Compared to Bankya, literally the city right next to us, Sofia is super safe! No gangs, barely any crime. A perfect place to raise a family! Suyodhana exclaimed happily

"I'm so happy you're happy." Krithika sighed with relief

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'll be right back, this deserves some sparkling water." Krithika said, jumping up.

Krithika walked inside the house and Kiran followed to help while Kara ran back to her father.

"Hello sweetheart, did you have fun with Nani? Yeah?" Suyodhana asked his daughter

"Yeah!" Kara squealed happily as she giggled

Kara hugged her dad and crawled after a toy of hers that got swept up in the wind.

A car came speeding around the corner but slowed down as it was in a residential area. Seeing Suyodhana on the road, the car swerved out of the way and kept driving on as they honked their horn.

The person was none other than Malini Acharya's husband, Sanjay, "Watch where you're going! I've got a son at home" he said as he drove past

As he drove away, Suyodhana could find Kara. "Kara? Kara?" He yelled

"KARA? Where are you?"

He noticed her by the other side of the road, just lying there.

"Oh god, no. Kara? Kara please." Suyodhana pleaded

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