Fifteen - "Which is why I'm sure she'll be put down soon enough."

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"What makes you think they have an infirmary? They don't fight like us, they use words." Y/n looked at Uriah with a sense of urgency, her breathing was starting to get heavier.

"People still get sick, Uriah. Plus... I doubt everyone here is fine with only words." I wanted to argue with her, tell her I would go to the infirmary and bring her back what she needed. But how do I know she would still be alive by then? I sighed.

"Fine, but you stay in the infirmary, we'll try and get someone to you." Y/n nodded, and she immediately started to leave for the door, a moment of jealousy ran through me but I couldn't stop myself from asking. "Do you want me to send Four down?" Y/n stopped, she didn't turn to look at me. I wonder what is going on through her head.

Your Pov

Do I want him to come down? It would be private and we could talk... is it a good time to talk? I'm kind of bleeding out, when is there a better time to say things than when you're dying? I got told off before for being... reckless was it? Will this time be any better? Will he be actually worried for me or more annoyed that I didn't listen to any warnings.

"If you see him, don't go looking for him." I heard Tris hum. And I began stumbling towards the stairs, it would be better for my body to take the elevator, in fact I could almost feel it pushing me towards it, but the Traitors were probably watching it carefully.

The first few steps up were agony, feeling my stomach scrunch with every leg movement. But after the first few I had became determined to get up the stairs and kept a rhythm. My body was practically begging me to stop, but I knew if I stopped I wouldn't be able to keep going. And yet I did stop on one of the rest stops, before the rest of the stairs for the next floor. I leaned against the wall, and took deep breaths.

My head fell lazily to the side as I looked at the emergency fire map. "Aren't I a lucky bitch?" I started chuckling to myself, not caring if the Traitors caught me on the stairs, I had a gun and I also had ways to run. Although I wasn't sure if running was plausible in my condition. I looked back at the map and smiled again, the infirmary was just up the next flight of stairs.

I memorised the map and started moving again. Once I got to the top, I stopped, not because of the pain but because of the amount of bodies laying, sprawled on the floor. No one seemed to be bleeding, and no one seemed to be awake. No divergent, unless they are very good at pretending.

"Eric!" I stopped, my breathing shaky. I ducked into a small corner, I silently cursed how small this hallway was and how the only possibly hiding spots was behind small podiums. My eyes flicked up as I heard boots coming from the stairwell in front of me. I looked around and spotted the bodies.

"Oh this is so stupid." Quickly I tore off the hoodie, ignoring the steps that were getting closer. I looked at my wound, it wasn't bleeding enough for someone who had moved so much without any pressure. I put the sleeve of the hoodie in my mouth and bit down, putting two fingers into the bullet wound and twisting. I let out a muffled scream, but continued to clench my jaw around the sleeve.

As soon as I could feel the blood pooling into my hand I yanked it out, threw the hoodie, and dropped my body, biting my tongue to suppress any noise when I hit my head. The boots stopped. "What are you doing here?" It wasn't accusatory, Eric didn't know I was still alive, so I tried my best to take shallow breaths or to just hold them, I clenched my jaw as I could feel my body trying to twitch, I couldn't tell if it was from anxiety or my body getting ready to die.

The boots started again but stopped when they were close to me. Fabric moved. I made my body ragdoll as Eric pushed me onto my back, I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't. "Where were you trying to go?" He sighed and looked down the hallway. "I'll admit A, I'm a bit disappointed, thought it would have taken you longer to give up." He sounded like he was going to say something else, but a person catches his attention. When he moves away I open my eyes slightly and try to make out the best I can.

Four x Reader (Insurgent)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें