Ancients return

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five sister warriors fell with three from the opposite side as well during the shootout, kassandra stood beside dora who told her

" Cover me "

Dora looks at kass " What ? why should i "

Kassandra " Do it if you want to get rid of them "

Dora hold the weapon steadily before giving the order nods to kassandra who nods back then dora yells

" Give them no chance to shoot at you sisters "

kassandra takes out her hidden blade slicing the first agent neck then shooting the second by her pistol and then takes cover behind a column from the agent bullets then took her chance to shoot him when he stopped to reload then she looked at two who pointed their rifles which kass teleported near them plunging her hidden blade then shooting the other. she kept moving teleporting near the agent who made her hidden blade in his neck then shooting their leader who kept crowling which lead to get his other leg shot paralyzing his movement then kassandra kneeled near him saying

" Lead me to your boss "

her face is agressive toward him and willing to shoot other part of his body if he doesn't cooperate


Basim ibn ishaq walks reverently to st paul cathedral then when he arrived inside taking the stairs two priests prevented him from meeting the pope

" It's a private space for his highness " the first priest tells basim

" You are not allowed to be here " The second priest makes it clear to basim

basim gives them both a smirky look

" The danger is real my friend "

Priest #1 wonders " What kind of danger ? "

Basim " that's a matter to discuss with his highness "

duretti opens the door exposing himself to the priests who looked at him with surprise and for basim who smirks at him

" Come in " duretti tells basim

Basim " Thank you "

they make a space for him to pass them then duretti close the door behind to speak privately

" As you know father, the world is changing and we must adapt "

" You're here to make a martyr of me aren't you ? " duretti exposes his skepticism to Basim who laughed

" Ask yourself this question, why would i speak personally to you ? "

Duretti " Alright, elaborate more son "

Basim " Minerva's tomb is valuable to adriel because it has something precious inside it and we must find that thing and hide it from his sight "

Duretti " We ? "

basim smirks while he gazes at duretti


In the realm of gods where minerva and reya sits above the horde of the creatures whom witnessing the trial of adriel

" You violated the rules adriel and you know what the penalty of such action " minerva stated

" Using one of our artifacts with selfish intention it tells us you are a being who cannot be trusted in our realm, so either you admit it you done wrong and live in the prison of humanity with the powers of yours are stripped or accept death and your soul will be burned "

Adriel looks at both of them with anger wishing to be free from the chains in his hands

" This place has a lot of apostates, if the gods themselves cannot have balance on that we must act immedatley " adriel speaks with a loud voice and even those around him got mixed feelings

THOSE WHO REMAIN: MIRAGE ( Warrior Nun X Assassins Creed )Where stories live. Discover now