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inside reya's realm desmond searches for michael, he sees from his distanced place tarasks approaching him to do what they usually do

" I saw worse " he said

the tarask was stopped turning around them gazing at reya which lead to their immediate vanishing, she went close to desmond who said

" I've seen you before, reya was your name "

Reya " Right but i told you to find minerva's tomb not visit me "

Desmond " You gave me a hebrew text and you know that i don't understand it so why didn't you instead write it in the language that i know ? "

Reya " Most of those in my realm who worshiped me in ancients times were hebrews "

Desmond " I'm here to bring jillian's son, where is he ? "

Reya " He's somewhere in your realm and soon he will reveal himself to thee "

Desmond " What is that supposed to mean ? "

Reya " You'll understand my words later miles, you are the ultimate assassin indeed, but there's a lot of things you don't understand yet "

Desmond bewilders, reya looks at him with more to tell but she instead decided to have a conversation with him on michael until the second person whom she has a past with comes back, Outside the ark there's desmond friends and jillian salvius waiting for desmond's return nervously,

jillian told them " his signal isn't clear "

Lucy " What does that means ? "

Jillian " I don't know, but the portal didn't close, but let's rely on our hope "

Lucy " If your son is lost inside, i don't want to lose desmond either "

William interfers " Calm down lucy, he's a great hidden one, you must not forget he broke from juno's manipulation "

Lucy " I think there's something much stronger than juno "

William " I agree, but he's capable of doing wonders "

Lucy " But he's not a halo bearer "

William " Don't understimate him, because he's a unique warrior on his own and so the halo bearer "

Lin interfers " If he doesn't come back, we'll join lucy inside "

William turns back on Lin Saying " Fine, but let us wait for his come back, because i will join you "

Jillian " You're not going anywhere without me "


Kristian sits on a chair putting his coat on the chair looking at the wide screen that has the painting of ezio fighting alongside the assassins and ocs in constantinople, he said to olga who sit next to him

" If a movie could be done about ezio he'd be an iconic character "

Olga sits while examines the painting historicity through the telescope, she replies

" His sister was a halo bearer "

Kristian with quiet voice

" This is unique, it proves the rumors "

Olga kept examining

" I think you're talking about the unity of The Ocs and The Hidden Ones, It's right "

she leaves what's in her hand switches the screen to a painting of a parisian Ocs and Hidden Ones fighting the last knight templars who were lead by jacques de molay the last leader of the order

THOSE WHO REMAIN: MIRAGE ( Warrior Nun X Assassins Creed )Where stories live. Discover now