The day they fell

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Shanon sits alone in a meeting room, mary stood by the door who was told by shannon

" You arrived early "

Mary smirked " Better do that, why would mother superion call for all of us ? "

mary sits down opposite to shannon who replied

" She gave me no clue "

" Any plans after the meeting ? "

" I'm thinking about taking you all with mother superion on a vacation "

beatrice, camila, dora, lilith and other sister warriors enter the room taking their seats as they started to talk to each others mother superion arrived, they stood up to welcome her she ordered them to sit down, she then started to untold her intention behind the meeting

" As you know, jillian salvius is planing to get adriel bones for some research of her own, if she gets her hands on it she'll unleash the gates of hell on us " Dora raised her hand to ask a question

" No need to raise your hand dora, just say what you want " Mother Superion Said

" As far as i understand, the bones of adriel are hidden somewhere and is not located yet, so how are we gonna find it ? "

Mother superion " And that's the important part, adriel's bones is hidden beneath this place * she shows them picture of St george Cathedral * and we must proceed the mission now "

Beatrice Interfers " We must go in disguise, because today is the easter "

Camila nods " Beatrice is right "

Mother superion smirks " That's the tricky part where Shannon will explain to you "

shannon stood up where mother superion were, unfolding her plan to them


Jillian in the ark room where the device isn't activated yet, she looks at it with enthusiasm, then she go to a room that's near her, afterwards she looks at a minor boy michael before his disappearance, he looks at her with his glowing blue skin, she smiles at him saying

" Today your suffering will be ended "

she sits beside him giving him a hug, the door is knocked by her secretary, jillian yelled

" I'm coming out "

jillian leaves her son opening that door of the room telling lily

" Shoot me with your news "

she replies

" Our team is on their way to get what you asked, the bad news that they may stumble across our rivals "

" They won't stand a chance, but the important thing is to bring adriel bones "

" May i ask a question ? "

" Ofcourse "

" What the bones have to do with your project ? "

" If the bones is burned the ark will be activated and it will lead us to the god which many people are skeptics about "

" i hope it's different from the abrahamic god "


Warren vidic standing in a dark room looking at a hologram of a templar kneeling down with his sword holding it in one arm pledging to adriel, warren stares at dushigi saying

" This was during the third crusade you said ? "

Dushigi Replied " Yeah, he had many followers during that time, but a different groups that is not from the church stood against them "

" A being like him ended in this way, it tells me that even gods aren't complete "

" But sir, the manuscripts doesn't say anything about his death, but instead it says he disappeared and his followers were shattered across the globe "

" Intense, the church wrote a different story to satisfy themselves, how pity is that "

" If we need to uncover this secret we must find a person who can enter the animus who biologically linked to basim ibn ishaq "

warren looks curiously " Basim ibn who ? "

the archeologist switches the hologram to another painting of a man with beard and with half top knot hair style, then he explains

" He was one of those hidden ones who stood against adriel with the help of altair, areala the first warrior nun and a woman whom i think she's divine person, named ( Kassandra ) back to basim, he was the greatest member of them, because he created weapons, unique ones and with that being said there's other manuscripts says that Loki reincarnated in his body "

" If that the case, it probably means he's a divine being too, so we better find his relative "

" There's a 1% chance that we may find a relative to a divine being "

THOSE WHO REMAIN: MIRAGE ( Warrior Nun X Assassins Creed )Where stories live. Discover now