Everything will be alright.

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3rd Person POV

"Don't leave the door open when you leave, Kelsey! We don't need more bugs crawling around the house!" his mothers voice echoed through the house.

"Kay! Cya ma!" Kel chanted happily as he slipped on his beat up orange shoes and walked out the front door, shutting it behind him.

The laces were not tied and dangled at the sides, but oh well. Just gotta pay extra attention so he doesn't trip! That'd just be embarrassing-

While he walked he took a glance over at Sunny's house and began to reflect on what had happened. Knowing Sunny, he was most likely inside... somewhere in there.

He made his way through the area, not really thinking about where he was going but following his muscle memory. He crossed a few streets and went onto many sidewalks, and next thing he knew, he was in the faraway plaza.

 He crossed a few streets and went onto many sidewalks, and next thing he knew, he was in the faraway plaza

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He looked up at the massive "Hobbeez" sign that dwelled over him. Well, this was probably the first and best place to look, if he wanted to find anything Sunny would maybe enjoy as a present...

He waltzes his way into the building in front of him, being greeted by the shopkeeper. Passing the shopkeep a quick smile, he immediately went to look at and dig through all of the shelves.


What would Sunny like?? I was trying to avoid getting him flowers or something like that... That just felt so cheesy and overused... 

gross... romance...

Well... Sunny likes... sleeping? So I could get him something like....


...Sleeping pills?

No, they only sell that at the pharmacy at othermart... Plus that's a really stupid idea in itself. Even I should know that!

As I was browsing through the shelves, I suddenly saw something that caught my eye: a stand next to one of the shelves, and on them were two beautiful matching necklaces! Maybe we could be matching, or something?? That'd be cute, probably.

I approached the stand to get a closer look. They were both cat necklaces, One of them had a black cat dangling at the front, and the other had a white cat! It seemed like something Sunny would be interested in for sure.

Sunnys always been fond of cats, especially black ones since his family used to have a black cat...
Mewo? At least that's what I think the cat's name was. It's kinda been a while, and my memories hazy... I've never really had the best ability to recall stuff.

Looking back at the necklaces that were for sale, I thought a little. I'm certainly more of a dog person... But these would have to do!

Quickly snatching it off of the stand it was on, I quickly looked at the price tag and rummaged through my pockets to see how much pocket money I had brought with me...

Kind of pricey... But I had just barely enough money to afford it, at least, since I've been saving up to get a new basketball. But oh well.
I happily purchased the necklaces, thanking the shopkeeper and rushing out of the shop without question.

Making my way back out into the faraway plaza, I looked down at the jewelry in my hands. I dangled it back and forth a little and clipped the white cat one around my neck, staring down at my chest.

 It looked cool I guess... But it wasn't special in my eyes if I wasn't matching with Sunny...
Which is why I'm gonna give it to him during my eventual confession! And well... if he rejects me...

I'm not sure what I'd do.



ANYWAY! Now that I've got my gift for Sunny, I began to jog my way back the way I came, looking over at the faraway park as I strolled right past it. I also figured I'd take one last glance over at Sunny's house.

 I stepped up onto my porch, staring at the white plank walls.


I hope hes not too embarrassed to talk to me after that awkward kiss... I mean, I hate awkward situations! Who doesn't!?

Taking one last huff of the fresh outdoor air, I made my way back into the house and quickly turned to check the clock. 

I didn't really like it because it always let off this irritable ticking noise all the time, but it let me tell the time without having to bother my parents or Hero... so I would have to put up with it for a while longer.

 'It's around the time where ma would normally be putting Sally to bed, so i'd better keep it down to avoid another lecture,' I thought.

I'd also probably better start heading to bed soon too.

I kicked my bright orange shoes off my feet and trotted up the stairs as quietly as possible, carefully opening the door to my room.

I went and opened the small cabinet under my television, unclipping the necklace around my neck and shoving the necklaces I had bought into a small, compact pink and green box. I forgot where I got it exactly but it doesn't matter.

Also a nasty clash of color, but that's whatever. I'm old enough to not put up a huge fuss about bad colors.

 I still have to go and talk to Sunny... No idea how i'm going to go through with that...

I hop under the blankets and pull the covers over myself, preparing myself for could probably be the best rest of my life... I know its kinda early in the morning still, but I mean, I'm really tired! So what can I say?

Slowly settling underneath the blankets I look back over at Hero on the other side of the room, leaning over the desk. Probably studying for his epic college stuff and what not.

I realized I never got the chance to ask him about those bandages on his hand once again...

I'm sure it's nothing except a small slip up, nothing to get too worked up about, I reminded myself.

Feeling my eyes get heavy, even though it was really early, I decided I needed to give my mind some sort of break from thinking so much about Sunny and lay my head for a little...

I looked at Hero sleepily, seeing as he wasn't paying any mind to me at all.
I eventually let my eyes fall shut, finding myself slowly drifting to a peaceful rest.

Me and Sunny will work things out.

Everything will be alright.. I told myself.

(End of part.)

Opposites Attract (A Omori Suntan/Caprisun Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now