When Dinner Rolls Around

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Sunny POVI stepped into the home and was immediately swept up by the aroma of what smelt like freshly baked food

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Sunny POV

I stepped into the home and was immediately swept up by the aroma of what smelt like freshly baked food. It felt like an oddly nostalgic scent but I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because of those times I would stay over and eat at Kels...

Kel definitely had a lot more things going on for him at home than I normally did, it seemed..

For the time being Hero was nowhere to be seen. But I had honestly hoped we didn't have to run into him right now.

Kel took a running start and leaped face-first onto the couch, putting his arms up in the air as if he had just won the biggest achievement ever.
"Ahhh! Home sweet home!" He grinned over at me, and I calmly went to sit beside him.

Kel sighed. His looks told me he was picturing something in his mind, but I didn't have a clue what.

"Let's go upstairs to my room! I got something for ya," He suggested right out of the blue.

"Hero and my ma are still preparing dinner I think, but we still got some time to spare!"

I looked at him, a bit confused. He wanted to.. show me something?

"...Okay. Sure,"

 That was all I said as we made our way upstairs.

Kel climbed the stairs with a spring in his step. I stayed close, following after him. When we finally reached his room, he led me inside with a dignified curtsy. A bit formal and random, but I don't really mind. This is Kel we're talking about.

Kel and Hero's room hadn't changed since I had last seen it.

It was like their own personal fortress, a sanctuary away from the bustle of the outside world.

Hero's side of the room was neat. It had several trophies and earned goods placed in their own convenient places. There were zero traces of a flaw anywhere. It was perfect. Just like Hero always strived to be. 

Personally, I always thought he did well. I was glad he was following his heart, going to college and all that..

Kel had set up his side of the room specially for himself, with all his favorite things and amenities. He had a boombox, and a television with a few controllers to play video games with. Clothes were scattered around the floor too. It was definitely a mess, and it wasn't perfect, but it was a reflection of Kel's true self. 

After examining the room, I looked back over at Kel.

With a big smile, the taller boy guided me over to his shelf.

My eyes immediately went to Kel's shelf full of comic books.
There were loads of them.

I walked over to the shelf, my finger trailing along the spines of the comic books before settling on a copy.
I took it out  and studied the cover of the comic. The comic was a bit dusty from how old it was, but I could read the words clearly still.

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