"Hm, I think I love you."

Start from the beginning

"Oh so funny!" Chaeyoung said, catching her breath then readjusted her backpack. 

"That wasn't funny, we almost got arrested because of this big loaf.." Jennie pulled Lisa by her backpack, then smacked her arm.

"Oww, what are you blaming me for? I didn't do anything! You're the reason why we had cops on us in the first place.." she mumbled. 

"Oh yeah, sure, that's my fault. Mind you, I'm not the idiot who made us take wayy longer than it needed to be done." 

Jisoo shook her head at the knuckleheads arguing and walked her way over to Chaeyoung. Now, she did agree with Lisa making them slow down, however– 

"I wanted pictures and you gladly took them for me. It was a two woman job Jennie.." 

"We need popcorn for this," Chaeyoung whispered in Jisoo's ears, the two off in the side, watching in amusement for another blame game between the two idiots. She nodded and hummed in response. 

"Oh come on Nini, what we did was a work of art, and I wanted to get a vintage, limited edition version of the product before it got released to the public.." 

Now, you're probably wondering exactly what they did to get chased by the cops. Oh nothing, your average group of four girls, all seventeen, in their last week of junior year exposing their terrible principal, which involved breaking into their school, and they also TP'd his house before that. Another successful prank, just classic high school shenanigans. 

Their principal deserved it and had it coming. They made his karma come faster. 

Lisa proposed the idea, Jennie encouraged her along, and Chaeyoung went with the flow. Jisoo was a bit bored and it was in good favor for the man's wife and his mistress, so she agreed as well. Luckily for them, Lisa is pretty good at pick-pocketing and Jennie with computers, where they gained these skills from, Chaeyoung and Jisoo don't know. A few hours later, with several keyboard taps, and a couple of text messages expose their principal's affair. 

"I guess so.. It was your idea, I get that.." Jennie rolled her eyes, but shown to be secretly enjoying the hug Lisa was giving her. 

Jisoo felt herself gravitating toward Chaeyoung's shoulder as she watched them, both focused on Chaeyoung's warmth and wondering when the fuck Jennie was going to confess. 

"I don't blame her," Chaeyoung shrugged, "we did ruin the statue of himself by graffiting it, put underwear on the thing, which that reminds me, Jennie I still can't believe you stuck a toy on it. Then, exposed him with that sign on top, and the pictures inside the school.." 

Jennie looked off to the side before she smirked, looking proud of herself. 

"The sign was the cherry on top Jisoo." Jennie tried her best to throw up jazz hands, but Lisa's tight grip refused the action. 

Jisoo threw her hands up in a dazzling way, a showboat, as she took a couple of steps then twirled for the three. 

"Like I was the one who hacked into his phone Jendeukie. All I did was copy the photos and fill the trophy case with water." She took out the pictures and trophies and hid them in a closet, they'd be fine, their principal wouldn't. 

Instead of the case showcasing the school's accomplishments, a principal's pride for his school, which was none in this case, he didn't care for them, so she can't feel bad here. Their case was now going to expose his shame, his dirty secret, photos of his infidelity planted right there and then in front of the whole school, and hopefully spreads to his wife. 

Back to the graffitied statue, there was also a sign on it that said, Stick your dick somewhere else!, while the other side had a photo of their principal on a date with another woman. Of course, the woman's face was blurred out, even though the woman said she didn't care. 

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