bitch what

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Ever since his sister died, Animal's behavior changed to the point that everyone noticed his stimuli. He isolated himself from his family so they couldn't complain about his fatigued body, thinking it would be a blow to the clan in the war. Animal lost sleep, many hours, with his impulsive thoughts of inflicting harm to himself; blaming himself for letting Aspheera slice Nakomi and not being in time to save her. Along with that, the flashes of bloodied corpses plagued Animal's mind, resulting in him losing touch with reality. The situation got so exponential that Animal got diagnosed with PTSD and bipolar, the news didn't really disturb Animal since he was so focused on the trauma instead of the brighter, potential days he could earn from Kiva.

Now, Animal looked at the rising sun with heavy eye bags resulting from the severe insomnia he unfortunately got as a complication from his diagnosis. It was another day of the war, the vibrating drop of bodies and draws of swords. More and more people were slaughtered, on both sides to be exact. Animal didn't kill anyone recently, but helped make sneak attacks for his clan; per the request from his father since he's a bit rough on him, sucks being the oldest guy of the bunch. Although, his plans were neatly planned; the clan got a good amount of revenge kills from Animal's smart, yet mentally damaged brain. But today, he didn't feel like doing such things, he was under a major episode of his bipolar and not being in the brightest mood.

"God, I hope today someone will put cyanide in my shirley temple because I'm fucking sick of suffering. The wolfdog scoffed, tiredly raising his body and stretched, baring his sharp teeth. Animal had a dark sense of humor, because he was somehow born that way but this time he wasn't joking. He barely reconsiders his choices, but thinks about how the war would change if he died, losing a turbulent prince. "Dad can rely on someone else for the trailing and routes to attack. I'm taking the day off, just taking a little walk to attempt to bury my thoughts. I'll probably get gutted by one of fucking Malkant's scouts, but matters point to my deathday." Animal exaggerated in reality. He geared some armor on his shoulder blades, and garments along with his ranked cape made of silk-coated werewolf pelt. He didn't forget his sword, which he used in multiple killings, well you can basically say that the weapon is partially responsible for Animal's gulit-filled thoughts.

Animal took a walk on a peaceful side in the forest, where you won't see any dead bodies or blood-filled screams. It was the opposite of that: birds chirping in their trees, the bark wasn't even damaged but it was healthy and rich. The grass is brighter in color, giving other wildlife to flee over the area to escape the war. Besides, the sun actually shined on Animal's body, his hat looking brighter figuratively. The sight and mood made Animal hopeful for his future, and peace would be restored soon. The wolfdog decided to lean against one of the trees to take a temporary nap, his body relaxing along with his tail resting which was usually swinging with stress. The forest had some sort of effect on Animal's mental health, and so he slept.

But not for long.

He was awoken by a sound, which was heard as bark being broken off by a force of energy. A strong aura, along with a feminine voice cussed out "FUCKING SHIT!". Animal decided to investigate what was going on, his slumber was disturbed by some idiot who broke the balance of the peaceful flora. He got up and saw an angered bipedal creature, yet they appeared feline despite their snout being longer. Animal determined that they were a civet, and that gave him a clue to who it was. He saw her picture in wanted flyers, warnings said due to her stunning presence, and even saw her briefly during one of the battles in the overlapping territories. Then the thought of Nakomi's death was triggered, the description of the circumstances of her and her murderer. Animal was getting upset at the sight of this dumbass, so he looked and aggressively approached Aspheera.

"Hey, you. Yes you, don't I ring a bell?" Animal was holding in anger, clenching his teeth and still visibly pissed. Aspheera nodded, reminded of Alaric because he and Animal (nearly) looked identical without the gray patched fur.

"Hm? Oh yeah, Elias. Can't you stick with your actual name instead of Animal? You're hilarious being flustered being called that, I don't see why. You don't really act like a real animal." She smirked, Aspheera was already pulling Animal's chain figuratively. He didn't want any sort of interaction with her, but he was being attempted to embarrass himself.

"You know, I don't really appreciate being around you. Ever since you murdered my sister ,my mental health declined, Aspheera. I lost hours of sleep, I have destructive thoughts, I longed for my death. I guess it's the suicidal portion of my bipolar. Fuck you." He growled, attempted to draw his sword and swinged at the civet. She somehow stopped him and slapped the sword out of his paws without making herself bleed.

"Oh Elias, I love seeing you being desperate to get rid of your trauma by killing me. But, you don't consider the consequences, mm? If you kill me now, my spirit will haunt you and that clan of yours. I will even curse you and your future children, because you look promising to your father with the potential of passing on the bloodline." The civet crossed the line, since Animal lept on her. The wolfdog's strength overpowered the scrawny weaseled woman, he trapped her arms as Animal reached for his sword. He placed the sword extremely close to her neck. He wanted to slice her head off.

"You better shut the fuck up before your head is gone. Good thing you aren't a chicken because those motherfuckers can run without their heads!" Animal used humor during a time where he was about to murder someone. "Heh, killing you will be a blow to Malkant's troops. Maintaining peace again."

Until that point, there was someone approaching behind Animal.

"Oh? Speaking of the king, he's behind you." Aspheera kneeled on Animal, he was confused on why she was doing that until he faced Malkant behind him. A cold sweat chambered the wolfdog, he was still perfectly built but not enough to face this dude.

Next thing Animal knew, he was pushed off of Aspheera and saw a gaze of a dagger and an angry fist before he passed out.

In and out, in and out, in and out. Blood?

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